Beginners Guide To Creating Mailing Lists, Follow Up Emails And Web Forms
I won’t go on and on about how important building a list is. If you’re reading this then I’m sure you have an idea. What I am going to do is take you step by step through building out your own successful email campaigns that you can use to build automated streams of income that will keep pumping money into your bank account over and over.
Here you will learn how to create a new subscriber list, create a follow up email campaign series and create your first web form.
For this tutorial, we’re going to assume that you’re using Aweber Autoresponder Service. If you DON”T already have an Aweber account, you can follow the preceeding link and sign up for a free trial account. Of course, you will also need a domain name and web hosting account, if you are just starting out and don’t have a domain or hosting account. You can get a domain at GoDaddy and a hosting account at HostGator for next to nothing.
Create A New List in Aweber
Log in, scroll down and on the left side, click “Create and Manage Lists.
Under the actions column, click the “Create List” button
Give your list a name. This should relate directly to the topic you are working on.
Enter a short description of your list. Users will see this at various times, such as on the unsubscribe page.
Leave the two boxes checked (Multiple Unsubscribe & Open Rates)
Fill in your company name, the url to your logo if you have one or leave it blank and the url to your related website.
Fill in a reply email address. The list name you chose above will be what the subscribers see in their email boxes. The reply to email address needs to be an actual email you can receive mail at, preferably one associated with the topic of the list you’re working on. Click add and then click save on both sections.
Navigate to “List Settings” and then to “Verified Opt-in”. Choose a pre-written subject line your subscribers will see when they check their confirmation required email or you can write your own. The following sections can be left as is or you may edit to your liking.
You have the choice of entering a url to send your subcribers to once they confirm but it isn’t required.
Create A Follow Up Series
Navigate to “Messages”, “Follow Up”.
Click “Add Message”. The first message you set up is the email that they will receive immediately upon their confirmation.
You can then continue adding messages and set the intervals. There is a lot of detail involved here so you may prefer to download and watch the List Building Tutorials for Newbies.
Create An Opt In Web Form
Navigate to “List Settings”, “Web Form”.
Click on “Create Web Form” button.
Enter a Form Name. This should be something that makes it easily recognizable to you. This won’t be seen by your subscribers and won’t be an issue at this point but later when you have hundreds of lists, it can really help to have the name be as descriptive as possible.
You can choose the type. It stays pretty clearly which type of form will be generated. In-line is the actual form inserted directly in your page and is always visible in that one place, like a banner. Pop-up opens a new window when the page loads, pop-under opens a window behind the current browswer window and so on.
The thank you page is aleady filled in for you although you certainly can create your own and place the url here.
Click next and you can start designing your form. This is where you add in the information you want to collect from your subscribers. The email field is already there so in the left column, click the plus sign to add the name field to your form. Drag and drop the name so that it is above the email field.
You could add a headline here if you like. Whether you do or not will largely depend on where you’re using this form. If you watched the List Building Tutorials for Newbies through the link above then you see that since a landing page (squeeze page) has already been created that there is no need to add a headline because it’s already on your landing page, however, if you’re not using a squeeze page then you can enter your headline by clicking directly on that section.
You may also click directly on the submit button and change it to “Download this report” or something else if you prefer, or you can just leave it as “submit”.
Click save
You are back to where you started and your new form will have been added to the list of forms you’ve set up. If this is your first, then you’ll see only the one. From here you may view your form and/or get the html that you will add to your webpage.
And that concludes the first lesson in this List Building Tutorials for Newbies.
The complete list building series includes…
How to choose profitable niche topics
The tools needed to build successful subscriber lists
How to find related giveaway products to entice subscribers
How to create high conversion landing pages
How to create mailing lists, follow up series and web forms
How to turn your lists into highly responsive buyers
And much more…
I will get these tutorials added in as I find the time or you can download the whole video series and watch them right now by going to List Building Tutorials for Newbies. Just download them to your computer, unzip and browse through the folders. Each folder contains an index.html file, double click those to the watch the entire video series. Highly recommended if you want to learn how to successfuly build highly profitable subscriber lists.
Till next time,

I found your blog on google and read a few of your other posts. I just added you to my Google News Reader. Keep up the good work. Look forward to reading more from you in the future.
I don’t often comment on blogs but just needed to stop and say that I like yours.
Nice post on niches and making money. I wonder how many people out there have worked thier niches like this?