Blog Masterminds Six Step Guide to Make Money Blogging

You may be wondering if it’s really possible to make decent money blogging. It is when you know how. Blogging is one of the easiest ways for someone to start making money online. You don’t need a lot of techie know how, you don’t need a lot of money and you don’t even need good writing skills to get started. Follow these 6 step by step, proven modules to get started right away.

Let me introduce you to Yaro Starak, a $250,000 a year blogger who started in ‘94 and has since developed a proven formula for making truckloads of cash by simply blogging. Yaro personally makes between $10,000 and $30,000 a month working about 2 hours a day. He enjoys a comfortable life free of financial worry and now he is willing to show you how to do the same.

His proven, easy to follow blogging system appropriately named Blog Mastermind is a hands on coaching program where he guides you step by step on how to:

  • Get your blogs up and running
  • Build your viewer traffic
  • Make money

Not only will this system work for those wanting to make money online but can be used by actual brick and mortar businesses that just want to harness the power of the internet to generate more traffic and sales to their offline businesses.

In Module 1 you will learn the foundation of blogging. You will start at the bottoms and learn how to set your blog up for success right from the start by proper and quick installation, the best way of encouraging your readers to subscribe to your RSS feed, the critical plugins you will need and how to install them right down to advanced structuring to maximize search engine traffic.

In Module 2 you will learn how to select and create the kind of content that attracts readers almost like a magnet, the kind of content that actually helps make your blogs viral by your visitors telling their friends about it. This is one of the most vital steps in building a truly powerful blogging income system and is often the most under performing area of most bloggers. You will also learn how to completely outsource all of your blogs content creation. One of Yaro’s blogs made more than $2000 per month and all the content was written by volunteer authors. This is a powerful, information packed module that is key to your success.

In Module 3 you will learn how to build traffic even more through effective search engine optimization, online forums and communities, other peoples blogs and articles. There’s a right way and a wrong way to apply these techniques, getting it right the first time can be the difference between making money and spinning your wheels. Yaro also shares is big traffic building secret in this module which he refers to as ‘conversational marketing’ and how he uses it to blow his competitors away.

In Module 4 you will learn the advanced traffic building strategies, this is the pivotal point which will push you beyond what you thought was possible and clearly makes the difference between making some money and making the kind of money that can change your life.

In Module 5 you will learn how to turn all of that traffic into cash. Using diverse monetization strategies you will master such monetization techniques as the basic contextual advertising to advanced strategies like the magazine model and sales funnel system. Here’s where your work pays off as Yaro shares all of his secrets with you.

In Module 6 you learn how to release the reigns and allow your blog to grow exponentially while only devoting a minimal amount of time to it. At this point your blog has taken on a life of its own and needs little of your attention which frees you up to duplicate the process on a new blog or branch out into buying existing, struggling blogs, ramping them up and then flipping for a profit or continuing to enjoy the passive income.

As a part of the Blog Mastermind coaching program, you will actually have a direct line of communication with Yaro through his coaching calls. There is no fail here! With the step by step blueprint to blogging handed to you on a silver platter by Yaro along with his personal assistance if you get stuck, have a question or just want to bounce some of your blogging ideas off him, how can you possibly fail?

If you are ready to get off the fence, dig in and work to change your life…


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