Automate Social Bookmarking Software

If you are like me, you have grown weary of spending all your time bookmarking your sites one by one and are looking for something to speed up the entire process. The awesome thing about social bookmarking is that it will guarantee your website or blog will be listed on the major search engines within hours of submission. Compare that to the months you can wait submitting your website to a search engine. Being aware that I had to have a better means of web promotion, I stumbled into the best tool I have ever used in web promotion.

The name of this software is Bookmarking Demon, and it is an SEO tool that I don’t think I could live without now that I am used to it. It automates my social bookmarking, but that is only a small part of what it does. Besides submitting to the top 20 bookmarking sites it will also submit to hundreds of smaller bookmarking sites, building you all those links in a matter of minutes. This alone makes it the best investment I have ever made. And yet, Bookmarking Demon does even more.

I love this part. Bookmarking Demon will even automate the process of joining all the new bookmarking sites you are not already a member of. This feature is a huge time saver.

After you have typed in your keywords, short description and links, you can just push a button and watch the program go to work. In hardly any time at all you will have Pr5 and Pr7 social bookmarking sites linking to you. There is an even more ingenious part to this software and that is that it will randomly use a different username, if you so choose, for each bookmarking site.

For higher rankings in the search engines you need a tool that can compete with everyone else, and you will find Bookmarking Demon to be top notch software. You can click the link at the bottom of this page and see some demonstration videos on how Bookmarking Demon works. I am sure that will be all the convincing you will need.

When it comes to automated social bookmarking, no other product out there will give you as many features and flexibility as Bookmarking Demon. I can say this because I have tried many of them.


(There will be No Monthly Fee and you will
get Unlimited Updates for free!)

For a demonstration video on how Bookmarking Demon works check go to

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