Clickbank – AdWords Mistakes That You Should Avoid – The Correct Way to Use AdWords

Being a Clickbank affiliate myself, I found that one of the easiest way to get targeted traffic is by using Google AdWords. However, most new affiliates tend to make lots mistakes and promote using AdWords blindly. Especially when there are lots of AdWords related eBook sold at Clickbank marketplace, with 90% of these books teaching about how to promote Clickbank products as an affiliate using Google AdWords pay-per-click program.

These are list of mistakes that you should avoid when using Google AdWords to promote Clickbank products:

  1. Link directly to your affiliate link. Google doesn’t like this and in most cases, if Google doesn’t like it, neither do your visitors. People searched the internet looking for information and not for sales pitch. It’s fine to sell, but you must provide a review and tell your visitors why they should buy the product – whether an eBook, programs or videos.
  2. Not understanding Google Quality score properly. Lots of marketers made this mistakes when at their early stage, including me. By try getting great Quality core, 10/10 Quality Score if possible. It’s not that hard as long as you provide a good, relevant landing page with link to privacy policy, contact use, disclaimer, terms of service and refund policy.
  3. Turning on the content network. In case you didn’t know, turning on the content network feature will allow Google to display your ads at websites like Myspace, Youtube, Squidoo and Ezinearticles. From experience, I can tell that content network traffic is less targeted, compared to search network. If you collect visitor’s email, visitors who come from content network will less likely going to sign up, compared to search network. So, why waste your money? Turn off content network, especially when you don’t have over $4,000 per month budget on advertising.
  4. Not using the long-tail keyword phrases. If you want to buy something, would you type in keywords like “dog training” or “money”? Of course not. Buyers will type keywords like “buy Nikon d40 digital camera”. Someone who types in “money” in Google probably not looking for make money eBook, but looks for for definition of the word money itself.
  5. Not collecting visitor’s email. Although you can make decent income from AdWords by just creating a landing page, I found that collecting visitor’s email will improve the conversion rate. On the internet, people tend to wait and think twice before buying something. By collecting emails and sending them follow up messages, you can always remind them about the products and finally they will pull their credit cards and buy.
  6. Promoting garbage Clickbank product. Other than being the most popular affiliate network, Clickbank could be affiliate networks with the most junk products. Unlike Commission Junction or Linkshare, where the merchants are giant companies, with high credibility, eBook sellers at Clickbank are normal individual and could be anyone. Hence, it no surprise if scammers use Clickbank to create a low quality products and use the affiliates to market them. As an affiliate, you need to be aware of this fact. Promoting junk products not only could damage your own reputation, but also will lead to high refund rate. You paid for the traffic and of course you don’t want the customers to request for refund and reduce your commission

How to use Google AdWords successfullyAlways treat affiliate marketing and PPC advertising as real business, and not just simple way to make money. Create your own website, build credibility by adding privacy policy and always collect visitor’s email. These are some tips to beat Google Quality score:

  1. Target product name or brand name keywords rather than general terms. For example, let say you want to use AdWords to promote something in affiliate marketing niche. You could bid on keywords like “learn affiliate marketing” or “affiliate marketing training”, however, in most cases, these keywords are competitive already. To get lower bids, with less competition, you should try keywords like “Clickbank”, “Ewen Chia (marketers name)”, “Commission Junction tutorial”.

  2. How to get 10/10 quality score. This is my experience of getting 10/10 Quality Score for lots of keywords. I use Wordpress blog as my landing page, add admin page like About me, contact and privacy policy. Then, I pay for product name keywords only. By getting 10/10 Quality Score, I can get the first place in Google for $0.30 or less.
  3. Watch the tutorials at Google Learning Center. Google Learning Center is the best place to start with AdWords. Of course to make even more money with AdWords, you need more than these videos, but at least by watching all the videos, you’ll get the picture of guidelines made by Google.
  4. Subscribe to AdWords blog and Conversion room feed. I did this, and I think you should do the same. Should Google changes their policy, you are notified immediately. While the conversion room gives you more tips to create a quality landing page.

If You’re Not Currently Making
$100,000+ Monthly From Adwords…


Azlan is an online marketer who’s making full time income from home. His main traffic strategy is Google AdWords. To learn more about AdWords and Clickbank, subscribe to his mini course at

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