Get More Twitter Traffic Faster – 3 Steps to Your Secret Weapon
Twitter is all the rage right now. And while in some ways its rock star-like status will surely fade over time, I firmly believe that it will remain a top social networking tool for years to come.
What makes Twitter so great? It’s all in the power of the Tweet. Tweets are simple, short messages that force you to say your piece in a very short space (140 characters). This means that you cannot ramble or be vague. In short, Twitter forces users to be straightforward, remain relevant and add value.
In Twitter, you are not rated by how much money you make (as in the work world) or by your grades (as in school)- you are rated by the number of followers you garner over time. In the world of Twitter, your ability to influence is a function of the number of followers you have.
But, getting followers can be a rather slow, manual process. Happily, there is a secret weapon at your disposal. Here are 3 steps to getting on Twitter and using your secret weapon to get more Twitter traffic faster:
Step 1: Get a Twitter account
Go to and set up an account. Be sure to create a profile for yourself, including a concise description of who you are and what you are all about. Also, upload a high-quality photo of yourself!
Step 2: Get familiar with the application
Poke around a bit inside Twitter. Get to know the following things, in particular: understand how to search for new contacts and figure out how to follow other people.
Step 3: Learn to send out interesting, useful Tweets
Of course, to be influential in Twitter, you need to also have something interesting to say. I suggest avoiding these common traps: a. just talking about mundane things that you are doing right now (this is great for friends and family, but not for people you don’t know – they don’t care!); b. being all over the map in terms of what you are saying. In other words, pick a fairly consistent theme or set of topics from Tweet to Tweet so that people can come to expect certain information from you.
Once you have done all of this, it is time to graduate to using your secret weapon: software that invites massive amounts of people to follow you on a daily basis – automatically. This way, you can go about your day doing what you love or need to do while the software finds people who share your interests and follows them automatically for you! One such tool can be found at:
So, get on Twitter, set up your profile, get familiar with the system, and start following massive amount of people today.
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