How to Market With Twitter – Create Thousands of Loyal Followers
Twitter is one of the internet’s newest and most powerful marketing devices. You can use Twitter to bring hundreds of people to your websites with every Tweet. Learning how to market with twitter is easy and there is certainly a lot of help out there to get you going. Here are a few things that you should know.
How much should I Tweet?
This is a question that a lot of people that are learning how to market with Twitter want to know. While there is no magic number, you want to make all your Tweets interesting. A person that really knows how to market with Twitter will tweet with questions, make an observation on something in their line of business, and provide helpful, useful information. You want to add value and create interest. Remember Benefit + Curiosity = Interest.
How Many Times a Day Should I Market My Web Pages on Twitter.
Most experts agree that you should market your site once every 7 to 9 Tweets. If you Tweet a lot you might get one or two links in per day, if not you may get a few a week. Here is the cardinal rule: DON’T SPAM! .If you spam your followers they will drop like flies, so one of the “how to market with Twitter” keys is to gain a massive amount of targeted followers so that you have the most bang for your buck.
How to Get Targeted Followers on Twitter
The more followers that you have on twitter the better. If you are following ” how to Market with Twitter” etiquette, and only marketing on every 7th tweet you will need a lot of people to follow your links in order to be an effective marketer. There are a lot of ways to get more followers. One of the ways that I used for a long time was to search for people that are tweeting about my products or services. I would then follow them in hopes that they would return the favor. This is a great way to get targeted followers however it is time consuming and slow!
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Crack the Twitter Code: Twitter Traffic Machine
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