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Website Advertising – Tips to Success

Website advertising is perhaps the most important and challenging task facing any new website. Whether your site features the latest products, services, or news, you’ll have a hard time achieving your objective without web traffic. There are many ways to go about advertising your website, and while some are difficult than others they are all key to the success of a website. Programs like Google AdWords are great for helping generate web traffic as they allow you to place advertisements and links to your site on other websites for a small pay-per-click fee. This is a long-term solution if you have the capital to pay for those users finding your site through said advertisements. If your website is targeted towards a community or specific location passing out fliers, cards, and coupons for your product, service, or site will almost always generate more traffic. This is usually a short-term solution, however it can initially generate a larger amount of traffic than other options. The problem with this technique is that it requires a continuing effort to find people in your community interested in your site that you have not yet advertised to.

I find the best website advertising technique to be link exchange. Other high-traffic sites usually participate in site-to-site link exchange or use various link exchange websites to help bring in a constant flow of new users. This can be accomplished by simply e-mailing the owner or operator of a website and requesting a link exchange. Using polite and professional wording and grammar ask them if they would like to have a link to their site featured on yours using their preferred HTML or form of advertisement. Follow this by requesting a link to your site featured on theirs. This is a hit-or-miss technique but the potential for success is nearly unlimited. You can also visit one of the many websites that offer free link exchange services. You post your website and a summary of it, and wait for interested parties to respond. Typically most of your responses will be from smaller websites hoping to find a ‘big fish’ to advertise with, so it is a bit difficult to find a popular site on which to advertise. Using one or all of these techniques is guaranteed to generate new traffic as well as returning users. How much traffic is generated is up to you and your dedication to the advertising of your website.


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