How to Make Money With AdWords & ClickBank the Easy Way

The problem with trying to make money with ClickBank products and AdWords traffic is the fact that a lot of people are trying to do the same thing as you and it can be very hard to actually make a profit. In this article I want to show you exactly how to profit from AdWords with ClickBank products.

Secret #1:

You must not follow the crowd. Just because everyone is promoting a product a certain way does not mean that you should and that it is the right way to do it.

You need to realize that the turn over of people promoting products in markets using AdWords is massive. In a lot of markets you will see 20+ new advertisers a month come into the market and then leave in about 2 weeks because they are broke.

Secret #2:

Realize that you won’t make a profit driving AdWords traffic to an affiliate offer! You will not make money at this! The reason is that the cost of traffic is to expensive and the payouts are to small from ClickBank publishers.

What you need to do is create a newsletter list that you make people signup for and then promote multiple products to that list and monetize it that way. If you do that, you will make way more money in the long run.

Secret #3:

You need to treat your affiliate marketing like a business and think long-term. If you do it right, you can make good money but it will take time. So give it the time it needs in order to succeed.

If You’re Not Currently Making
$100,000+ Monthly From Adwords…


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