Work At Home Business Opportunity

Affiliate Elite Software by Brad Callen Makes Internet Marketing of Affiliate Programs Easy

Brad Callen made his initial millions marketing his own e-book on weight loss in the early 2000′s, and has compiled the knowledge he gained in building a successful website into the Affiliate Elite Internet marketing software package.

Brad Callen comes across at his web site as a guy who knows how it is to just not have the cash to spend on large scale affiliate programs, and his self testimonials declaring that he would rather give to charity than impress anyone with the latest sports car, is actually an attention getter. Mind you, the guy is good at what he does.

For the initial cost of $4.95, potential subscribers will receive the Affiliate Elite software program and full access to its members only site for a 30 day trial period.

Brad Callen boldly promises that if you do not double your profits within the first 30 days of trial, he will issue a refund. If you choose to become a member subscriber, the monthly membership cost is $39.95.

Affiliate Elite is a software package that promises to divulge the most successful affiliate products to promote, provide evidence of trends in your specific market or niche, find the highest paying product commissions to promote, and discover products that pay recurring commissions.

Daily imports of the latest ClickBank and PayDotCom affiliate programs through the program allow you to see market and site traffic trends for use in determining which products to promote.

The keyword optimization software is critical to a successful affiliate marketing venture. With Affiliate Elite you will have access to every profitable keyword that successful marketers and your competition are using. The list that the program provides shows all of the keywords, ad copy and also shows listing position of the competitions websites. This feature in combination with the Affiliate Elite AdWords spy tool, provides important tracking information to the affiliate marketer as to which keywords are being bid on and which are flat, which can display trends and allow you to monitor the sites that are using the most successful keywords.

Affiliate Elite also shows you how to locate other affiliates who are already promoting similar products to work out a cross marketing operation with them.

Possible Drawbacks:

The biggest drawback to using Affiliate Elite is that it only works with Clickbank and PayDotCom, rather than integrating with additional affiliate networks. The program navigation is also rather complicated, and the accompanying training is really designed for affiliate marketers who have been around for awhile and have a working knowledge of search engine optimization tools.

The Recommendation:

Affiliate Elite receives a solid recommendation to those affiliate marketers who have a working level of experience in the field and are already making some money over the internet. This program will provide tools and resources to increase your listings and site traffic, as well as identify which marketing tools are working for your competition.

Brad Callen Has Spent 9 Months And $110,000
In Software Development To Create A
FOOL-PROOF SYSTEM That’s 100% Guaranteed.

allows you to work smarter, NOT harder

Get FULL ACCESS To Affiliate Elite
for ONLY $4.95 RIGHT HERE!

Shelby Wallace is the Author of this article as well as the webmaster at [] For more information on Affiliate Elite by Brad Callen as well as other resources for those choosing to work at home and make money online with affiliate programs and networks, please visit the web sites.


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