You’ve seen the tv infomercials, you’ve heard the radio commercials, you’ve seen ads in magazines. “Make Money Online” without ever lifting a finger. Click a few buttons and an unstoppable flow of money just pours into your bank while you sit back on a beach somewhere sipping something delicious out of a coconut shell through a little umbrella straw… so how realistic is this… really?

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Posted March 22nd, 2011

You’ve heard the saying. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. Well Clickbank, I have some news for you… IT’S BROKE SO FIX IT!

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I got a copy of Dragon Naturally Speaking this past Christmas and was really excited about that because I’ve heard it can really speed up article writing but I’m starting to wish i had never heard of it.

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On one of the more popular marketing community boards, there was an interesting post about how he is making money by creating flyers and then distributing them through conventions.

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Many advertisers overlook the power of affiliate marketing, in which they can benefit immensely by having traffic directed to their website that they otherwise wouldn’t have. Affiliates can and should be compensated for their efforts in promoting the advertiser’s product or service via their own website or campaign. This can often times be quite a daunting challenge in online marketing, as strategies are quickly becoming mainstream in often over-saturated segments of internet commerce. Effective tools are definitely needed to successfully navigate the torrents of such a highly competitive and complex business. Read the rest of this entry »