By Loretta Miller
The question regarding making money using articles and adsense has been asked many times. The doubters will tell you that it’’s not possible. If that were true, there would not be so many people making their living writing articles for their Adsense sites.
In order to make money with Adsense, you need to find a profitable niche. When you are just starting out, you should pick a niche that you have some interest in. By doing this you will be more interested and it will not be quite as challenging for you to write your articles. If you are interested in gardening, you could write articles about different plants, soil conditions, watering, the best planting times or even about those pesky insects that invade your garden. The possibilities are limitless. When you become more comfortable writing articles and have your site profiting for you, you might then try a niche that is new to you. Go to the search engines and do a search for whatever niche you want to try and research that topic. You might find that you have more of an interest in that topic than you thought.
When writing your articles, be precise, be informative, and by all means, don'’t tell them the same thing that everyone else is telling them. Make your articles new and interesting. Give them unique content. Don'’t write one or two articles and think that will be enough. You need to keep writing, keeping your site full of fresh content. Don'’t forget to put your name and website address at the end of your article in the resource box. As you write articles that are interesting, other website may pick up your article and publish it on their site or in their newsletter, thereby driving additional traffic to your site.
By keeping your content fresh and informative, the search engines will spider your site more often. The search engines love new and unique content. They will make numerous trips to your site if you keep adding to it. The more often they visit, the higher in the ratings you can go.
You need to also submit your articles to the article directories. Each article directory has its own submission guidelines so before you submit be sure to check their guidelines out. Make sure your resource box is included with the article when you submit it. Without this resource box, readers will not know who wrote the article or how to get more information from your site. These visitors will also help increase your search engine ratings.
When you sign up for Google‘’s Adsense program, they will place Adsense ads on your site that are directly related to the topic that you are writing about. Google does this work for you. When a visitor clicks on one of the ads, you are paid for that click. The amount you are paid depends on what the advertiser is paying for that ad and only Google knows that. The more traffic that comes to your site, and the higher your click through rate (CTR) is, the more money you can make.
It’’s not as hard as it may appear. The hardest part is getting started and keeping the momentum going. Don'’t give up. It can take several weeks for your site to get traffic. The most important thing though is to keep the articles going to your site. If you want, you can also ad articles written by others, just be sure to include their resource box.
About The Author
Loretta Miller has a site where the goal is to help people increase the traffic to their website.
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