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Setting Up Roboform For Article Submissions
If you have decided to submit your articles by hand instead of using a service like Article Marketer, you can speed up the process tremendously by using Roboforms auto fill features.
If you haven't already, download and install Roboform, Follow the instructions to set up your main profile which consists of your basic information like name, email address, etc..
Once you have it installed, you are ready to set up your article submission profile. The quickest way to do this is to clone your main identity. If you open your internet browser you should see the roboform toolbar on top.
Clone Main Identity
Left click the identity icon 
Scroll down and right click your main identity, click "clone"
Enter Article Details for your new identity name
Now you are ready to configure your new identity to help you blast through the article submission forms. Follow the steps above for cloning but this time select "edit" instead of "clone".
Configure Article Details Identity
You should be in edit mode. If you aren't, follow the steps above to get there
Under the "Summary" tab, change your username and password for security purposes
Under the "Summary" tab, change your email address if desired.
Under the "Custom" tab, you will notice three columns.
The first column is named "Field Name". You will place the word in that box that you want roboform to find on the submission page.
The second column is named "Field Value", You will place what ever you would like Roboform to paste into the corresponding form field when it finds a match from column one, "field name"
The third column is named "Other Match Strings". You will place alternative text for column one. Many times different forms will have varying terms for the same form fields. Some forms may ask for "article body", others may ask for "article text". We would type (without the parenthesis) "article body" in column one, the actual article content we want used in column two and "article text" in column three.
Screenshot (under the custom tab)

When submitting your articles, if you ever notice a field is not being automatically filled by Roboform, take the text next to the empty box and paste it into the third column, next to the data in the second column that you would like to populate that form field with.
If it is a new form field that you have not set up yet, paste it into the first column instead and then enter the data you would pasted into that field into the second column.
You are not limited to using Roboform only for article submissions. Since we are already on the subject, I'll briefly go over a couple of other useful things you can do with Roboform.
Set Up Multiple Identities
Set up new identities using the clone method from above. I have identities for each of my websites so when I'm looking for link exchanges or signing up for topsites I can do that with one click without having to enter new information into Roboform each time. You can use your main identity to complete affiliate registration forms by adding a few custom fields like "checks payable", "tax id" and "site title". As I mentioned above, as you come across fields that aren't being completed, immediately go and edit that identity by either creating a new entry under columns one and two or by adding into column three if the data already exists and the form is just asking for it by a different term.
Use Roboform To Speed Up Research
Roboform has a really cool search tool. It has replaced my google search toolbar I used previously because with the Roboform search bar you can put in my keyword and choose from a drop down menu to search using Google, Yahoo, Alta Vista, Msn, etc..
There are many plugins already available known as Search Cards. You can browse through these Search Cards here and simply click the one you want and it will be added to your drop down search box.
When doing market research you can quickly search sites such as Wikipedia, Amazon, Ebay, Del.icio.us, Merriam Webster Dictionary, etc..
The even cooler part of this search tool is that you can quickly and easily create your own Search Cards. The simple instructions for this can be found here.
Screenshot (Roboform Search Tool)

I have search cards that will search article directories, discussion forums, online classified sites, clickbank product marketplace, etc.. This is a huge timesaver. Rather than bookmarking each site to research, I can just enter my search term and select the site from the drop down box and that's it. I can then search the same term at a different site without retyping anything, just drop down the selector and choose another site to search. Use your imagination for this, the possibilities are practically endless.
Bookmark and Auto Login
Roboform makes it easier than ever to manage your bookmarks and log in information. When ever you enter a site after entering your username and password, Roboform will pop up and ask you if you like to save it as a Pass Card. Choose yes and the next time you want to go to that site, just drop down the Pass Card Menu, select the site and Roboform will automatically take you to the site and log in for you. You can even have it auto generate unique passwords for each site so you aren't using the same one for everything which is a security risk.
Built in feature let's you place all of your login information on a USB key so you can take it with you wherever you go. This is a great, time saving tool for checking your affiliate stats.
Note: You can quickly accumulate a lot of Pass Cards and this can easily become very disorganized. I find it is best to organize folders to store your Pass Cards in right away, much like you would in your browsers favorites tool.
Personally, I create a folder for each website with Pass Cards to anything directly on that site like a bulletin board login, article directory login, wordpress login, hosting control panel etc..
I have a folder to store all sponsors I promote. You could micro-organize this by type of program but many sponsors have products or services which could fall into several categories so I don't do this myself.
I have one for article directories, one for online classifieds, one for email logins like yahoo and gmail, I have one for my ebay related logins, like ebay, paypal, my associated gmail, auctiva, etc.., I have one for news sites, one for personal logins like my cable internet provider, banking, cell phone provider, etc..
You may choose to organize yours entirely different. The important thing is that you plan ahead and organize in a way that will make sense to you and that you do set up a folder system in advance That is so much easier than going back through and trying to organize it later.
RoboForm was named PC Magazine Editor's Choice, and CNET Download.com's Software of the Year. Learn more about and download for free here |