bulletYes Derek! I Want One Of The 'Quick-Start' Tool Kits Worth $391.00 That You're Giving Away For Nothing Today — I Want To...

"Get THREE Of The Internet Marketing Center's
Top-Selling e-Business Tools For Beginners Within The Next 5 Minutes, For FREE"

Better Hurry — Just 247 146 92 Packages Left

From: Derek Gehl
Tuesday -- 8:42 am

Dear Friend,

Aaron felt the same frustration you do now.

For him, it was like nails scratching on a chalkboard...

Hearing about other people making piles of money selling bizarre products on unattractive websites on the Internet — while he didn't have the foggiest idea how to get started himself.

Aaron didn't have tons of cash lying around to hire someone to help him learn the ropes. He didn't have the computer skills or the know how either.

But he DID have the DESIRE to live life on his own terms...

One where he didn't have to be at the mercy of his alarm clock every morning...

One where he could have the freedom to work as little or as much as he wanted to, and be able to take MORE than the stingy two weeks per year vacation his boss gave him.

Says Aaron:

"When I started my first website, I had very little money and only a high school diploma to my name. Today, my site generates as much as 5 figures per month!

Thanks to you, my income has grown so much in the last year that I've been able to quit my day job and buy my first car... a Mercedes-Benz!

I'm still learning and growing, but I don't plan on ever having to go back to a regular job again.

This is my definition of 'job security!'

Aaron Bradley with his new Mercedes

If I've been able to achieve this much success with all of the cards I had stacked against me, I know that with your help, ANYONE who is willing to put in the work can do the same."

And no, Aaron is NOT the exception...

... He just one of many beginners who reached out and let us walk him through how to do it.

You Are Missing The One Key Ingredient
You Need To Be Successful?

I know you want to learn how to make money on the Internet — and I'm sure you've explored several opportunities to help you get there.

But it's easy to get overwhelmed with information, isn't it?

You could hemorrhage thousands of dollars of your hard-earned savings on Internet marketing how-to products... only to have them sit and gather dust on your bookshelf because you're missing the ONE VITAL PIECE needed to be successful:

Coaching from people who have already DONE what you're trying to do!

You could waste countless hours of your time trying to figure out where to focus your energy and what to do next on your own.

But with someone standing over your shoulder to help you shave hours... days... maybe even weeks... off of your learning curve...

To keep you from getting sucked into the information overload and paralysis analysis quicksand...

And to motivate you, inspire you, and keep you ON TRACK towards your goals of "making it" online...

Your success is GUARANTEED!

(More on my unique guarantee in a moment.)

You see, I've come up with a solution that no other Internet marketing "guru" is doing...

A way for YOU to get:

  1. All of the tools you need to get started quickly and easily, and

  2. The personal, hands-on training and support on how to start and grow your own Internet business in RECORD TIME...

... So you can finally start your own money-making Internet business or take your existing website to new profit-pulling heights, no matter what your level of experience with Internet marketing!

Yes, you'll absolutely get...

THREE Of My Top Internet Marketing Tools Worth $391.00 — Yours FREE*

First, I'd like to give you FREE ACCESS to three of my top-selling Internet marketing tools for beginners... worth a whopping $391.00!

eBook Pro Business Edition!

The same "point-and-click" ebook software that thousands of self-professed 'Computer Dummies' have already used to compile, publish, and distribute ebooks that steadily pull in $1,000's per week on the Internet!

Regularly $197 — But Yours FREE!
60-Second Salesletters!

Now, ANYONE can create a professional-looking long salesletter... Simply fill in the blanks, click "submit," and out pops a ready-to-go salesletter with all the bells and whistles that's been 100% customized for you... and that you can use to start selling your product online instantly!

Regularly $97 — But Yours FREE!
Hover Ad Creator!

Many people say they find pop-ups and hover ads annoying. But the fact is... THEY WORK! And now, you'll be able to easily create unblockable hover ads and pop-ups in DOZENS of different styles that will pull in opt-ins (the names and email addresses of your website visitors) like crazy!

Regularly $97 — But Yours FREE

YES, it's all software.

NO, you DON'T need to know jack about installing software, HTML, or other tech mumbo jumbo to make it all work for you...

Because we designed each of these products specifically with beginners in mind, so everything is point-and-click easy!

You simply use the password we'll email within the next 5 minutes, log in to the product website, and BOOM.

You have each of these e-business "genies" at your disposal for ONE FULL YEAR.

Within Minutes, You'll Have EVERYTHING
You Need To...

Compile a Moneymaking eBook In a Snap! Easy-to-follow "wizards" walk you through each step of creating your own ebook, so there’s zero guess work. Plus, choose from dozens of professionally-designed ebook templates, images, graphics, and more... or upload your own.
Sell Your Info-Product 24/7, 365 Days a YeareBook Pro's easy "set it and forget it" automation lets the orders flow in while your at the movies, sleeping, or on vacation... the only "work" you ever have to do is check your email and see how much money you've made.
Burglar-Proof Your eBook from Cyber Thieves... Track and "disable" refunded or 'pirated' copies of your ebooks from right inside the software and protect your profits... when people try to share or re-sell your property, the joke will be on them!
Create Text, Audio and Video eBooks! Package traditional "text" ebooks, or even video demonstrations, interactive tutorials, audio interviews, "previews" of text, audio, or video products you sell... and much, MUCH more.
Free Previews, Limited-Time Trials, and More... Offer a free trial or bill your customers pennies or a few dollars for full or partial access to your ebook for a limited time — if they keep it, and you charge their credit card the remaining amount, or simply "disable" their copy using the eBook Pro control panel! It's that easy.
12 Months of FREE, Secure eBook Hosting! Create and easily store UNLIMITED text, video, or audio ebooks of up to up to 1 gigabyte...