Google Adwords and Negative Keywords – Tips For Improvement of Your PPC Campaigns

Google AdWords is an extremely effective marketing method that can lead to substantial profit if you know a few simple techniques to improve performance. One of the most effective ways to increase your return on investment with AdWords is by utilizing the negative keywords feature. In this article we will teach you a simple, yet highly effective strategy to increase your ROI with Google AdWords by developing a nice list of negative keywords.

Negative phrases, or keywords, are words or phrases that a person searches that you don’t want to make your ad show up. For example, if you have a site dedicated to selling soccer balls you may be bidding on the phrase “soccer balls”. Now what if a person searches for “soccer balls on the moon?” Your ad will appear, and if the searcher clicks your ad, you likely lost some money because this searcher is most likely not going to purchase one of your soccer balls. So how can we eliminate all of the negative keywords and make sure we get the most out of Google AdWords?

Firstly, you will want to setup an analytics program such as Google Analytics. Google Analytics is highly effective because it shows you paid vs. organic search terms and phrases. Within Google Analytics you can see exactly what searches brought a particular visitor to your site. After you have an analytics program setup you will want to begin monitoring what search phrases brought visitors to your site.

After a short amount of time you will most likely see some searches that are not at all targeted to what your site is trying to accomplish. It is suggested you check analytics daily and setup a nice list of negative words or phrases that are leading visitors to your website.

Once you have compiled your list of negative phrases and terms at the end of each day you can simply copy and paste it in the negative keywords section of Google AdWords. You have the option of setting campaign wide negative keywords or ad group specific negative keywords. You will want to set these appropriately.

There are some common negative keywords that you can begin using right now to cut down on your Google AdWords budget waste. These include words such as, free, image, download, coupon, url, torent, torrent. Obviously you will want to use these appropriately based upon your specific niche.

If you invest just five minutes per day updating your negative keywords list you can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars per year in unnecessary pay per click expenses. Simply by using negative keywords many people increase their conversion rates by as much as 50%. If you are not currently using negative phrases right now, use the strategies outlined in this guide and start increasing your bottom line today.

If You’re Not Currently Making
$100,000+ Monthly From Adwords…


You can learn how to use Google AdWords effectively and increase your ROI. Try out our Free PPC ROI Calculator and start making the most out of your marketing budget today.

Brendon Mitchell is a small business consultant and web designer who coaches people how to legitimately make money online by starting their own e-businesses. His free resources at True Web Money have helped thousands of people learn to make legitimate money online.


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