ArticleBot v2.0 Review
If you’ve been looking for a way to mass submit articles, you may be thinking about ArticleBot by Icansoft. I bought and installed it myself and here’s what I think about it.
The purchase and download went smoothly. I bought it when they were running a special so I only paid $12.95. Can’t hardly go wrong for that price.
Once installed I opened the instruction manual up and read through it top to bottom. I wanted to make sure I understood everything before even getting started with the software. One of the first things I notice is that it’s a lot lighter on my system than SocialBot (another piece of icansoft software) which practically froze my computer up every time I used it and made it nearly impossible to work with. If you want more information on that, you can read my SocialBot v3.0 Review or SocialBot v4.1 Review.
I had read claims that the article directory signup process was automated but it’s actually semi-automated. You will still need to go through each directory and signup. ArticleBot has a built in form filler but unfortunately it doesn’t work all the time with all the forms. When this happens you can right click on the form field and the context menu has the form fields and you can just click and fill it in, for the most part.
I would like to see the ability to use RoboForm (download my free RoboForm Marketers Guide) incorporated into the software as it would have sped things up considerably on the forms that did not autofill or which contained fields not included in ArticleBot such as address and zip code which had to be manually typed into the form each time. The autosave user and password feature also didn’t work when the software couldn’t recognize and autofill the forms so typing this into ArticleBot for each article directory that didn’t autosave was a little cumbersome.
Another mild inconvienience was having the software jump back to the top of the article directories site list after each registration instead of staying where you were on the page causing you to scroll down and find your place each and every time.
The good news is that the software does have the ability to import the article directories user/pass so outsourcing the registrations is a possibility and something you may want to strongly consider. Because ArticleBot allows for multiple profiles, you could actually create unique profiles for each niche you are involved in instead of having all your articles in all niches under one author name.
Note: I suggest that you use an email associated with your domain rather than a gmail or other free email account because there is a large number of article directories that will not accept these. It would have been nice to know this in advance. It would have saved a lot of skipped directories and having to use multiple email addresses once realizing that these directories rejecting these gmail address are not just a few isolated instances. So I’m letting you know now!
Another part of the “automated” registration process was having the software automatically log in, confirm and then delete the emails sent by the article directories after registration. I was using gmail (when starting out, later switching to an email address at my domain) and in neither instance did the auto confirmation/delete process work. When setting up company profiles there is a section to enter your mail server information and the option to “check connection” which was successful however I still ended up going through, confirming and deleting manually.
Anyway, everything up to this point is just the initial setup, I’m still optimistic about the software working as advertised once I get through the registrations. When everything was said and done I ended up actually registered at 237 of the original 358 directories. You’ll get more than I did when you start out using your own email address since you’ll know about that before starting registrations.
I was not overly impressed with the list of article directories. A large number of these were non-existant (404), had been hacked and still dispayed the hackers signatures, were parked domains or contained form errors which would not allow you to select your country but would not allow you to register without selecting it. It seemed to be a pretty outdated listing and is not being kept up with even though updates are supposed to be included with your purchase.
ArticleBot does include the option of allowing you to add spun text though it doesn’t include an actual article spinner within the software. For this I used Magic Article Rewriter. If interested, you should read my Magic Article Rewriter Review.
I didn’t get past this point because Magic Article Rewriter is a very powerful piece of software which allows you to spin sentences and then words within those sentences. ArticleBot only handles the most basic spun syntax and is not capable of handling the embedded spun syntax that Magic Article Rewriter generates like…
{This is {sentence|line} number {1|one}|This is {sentence|line} number {2|two}}
I did email Icansoft and ask them if they would be able to configure their software to work with this syntax as I have a lot of articles in this format which are spun to 200%+ uniqueness. As it stands, I won’t be able to use ArticleBot because I’m not about to rewrite hundreds of articles to work with it when the people who created Magic Article Rewriter also offer an article submitter that does basically plug right in to the spinner software and also has actual hands-off auto article directory registrations.
Until I get word back from Icansoft about the possibility of them upgrading their software to work with this embedded spun text then I’m afraid ArticleBot will just have to sit on a shelf for now and collect dust though for $12.95 I’m not too upset about it though I do wish I’d have taken advantage of the package discount for purchasing the Magic Article Submitter along with the Magic Article Rewriter.
Lesson here is sometimes when you try to save a buck or two, it just ends up costing you more in the end.
Good luck,
Update: I just received word from Icansoft that the next upgrade will handle the more complex spinner code so I’ll be anxiously awaiting that and will update this review when that is done and I am able to continue testing.
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Oh I thought snap when I was reading this especially about the email addresses not being accepted . Im fed up with so many of these article submitters not coming up with th goods .Im going to pay a company to do it
Hi, I did my research yesterday and bought ArticleBot. I couldn’t find a coupon so I paid the full $29.95 they are asking. I installed the software and began signing up for the more than 300 article sites embedded in the software.
Of the 300 plus sites, only about 20 worked. Most sites are no longer in business or have completely changed their interfaces so that they no longer work with the software. To make matters worse, when I submitted an article, only about a dozen of the 20 remaining sites worked. Even doesn’t work with this software.
When I contacted support they refused to give me a partial refund or to at least comp me with another product. In fact, they threatened me by telling me that if I dispute my paypal payment that they will have me “banned from paypal”.
Needless to say, I am visiting blogs like yours that have previously recommended ArticleBot and letting them know the truth. While many will not post this because they are trying to sell the software themselves, I’m hoping that at least some of you will.