From Disability to Successful Internet Business

Craig Wilson, a mechanic and business owner suffered a major setback in 2005 when severely injuring his back on the job. He tried his best but discovered he just couldn’t keep the business open and in early 2006 he shut it down completely after many years of hard work. Craig was down but now out.

Things got tough for Craig. He had to go on disability while his wife worked extra hours to try and make ends meet but still they found themselves falling further and further behind not to mention that he was still in a lot of pain and had days where he could barely get out of bed but that didn’t stop him.

You see, Craig had something powerful going for him. The desire to succeed. Most people want to live a better life. Most people would love to make more money and live a better lifestyle but not everyone has that desire to do something about it, to make it happen… to take action.

Craig ended up purchasing a few courses on internet marketing and used his knowledge of automotive repairs to start and now earns enough online that he no longer relies on disability benefits.

Congratulations Craig!

So what about YOU!

Would YOU like to earn enough money to pay for a nice vacation each year, a car payment, pay off some credit cards or would you like to earn enough to jump out of the rat race and start enjoying life on YOUR terms?

It is absolutely possible! While Craigs story is truly inspirational, he is not alone. Thousands have come before him and thousands will follow in making the move from working for someone else 9-5 and putting money in someone elses bank while receiving only a small piece of that in return for their hard work to internet entrepreneur where they work when they want, earn what they want and do what they want… when they want to do it.

If YOU have the desire to succeed, I would strongly recommend taking a look at the following internet marketing courses. These courses have been responsible for MILLIONS of dollars of online income from people just like you who had the desire to be and have more.

Internet Marketing Specialist Certification Program is a self-paced virtual training program that offers students the knowledge, tools, and support they need to start successful online businesses… plus qualify as “Certified Internet Marketing Specialists,” and earn consulting fees helping others with their sites.

Based on the simple, step-by-step methodology we developed in the process of earning over $100 million in online sales, the Certification Program is the ideal choice for anyone who is either new to online business, or has been struggling to start making money, with no results.

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