Affiliate Elite – Definitely Not For Everybody
Affiliate Elite is a simple software application that allows affiliates to access data to dominate a market. Can it, and is it worth it? Well… sort of.
I tried to look for some other independent affiliate elite reviews by premier online editorial qualities like from PCpro, Cnet etc. ‘the industry experts’. However, I couldn’t find anything that wasn’t other affiliates promotional efforts (which ironically led me to it anyway – perhaps that’s a testament to the software?), and analyzing the websites backlinks for possible reviews disclosed nothing. So I had to start from scratch…
I’m familiar enough with ClickBank to know and love the instant download and customer service facilities – within minutes of purchasing, I had the software downloaded and registered. Upon opening the software, you get the choice of choosing the type of project you want to run, the first of which is ‘Find Profitable Affiliate Products to Promote’
Whilst the data compiled is easily available via each of the websites, the ability to compile so much in such a short time is clearly a plus. One key point here is being able to identify trends in products – the idea is to get on the ‘upward curve’ on a new product as soon as possible. However, simply displaying data based upon what I can already get within 60 seconds of browsing online isn’t enough to justify membership, so what else can Affiliate Elite do?
Searching down the list of possible projects, the next in line is the ‘Reverse Google Search’. The results are very specific; you can essentially track and trace an entire websites presence on Google (only Google) in a flash. This kind of data would take much longer to aggregate by hand (as well as being incredibly tedious!).
Out of curiosity, and to try it out I entered numerous different domains – ultimately ending in Wikipedia, the encyclopedian giant. It took about six seconds to download 1022 results, which seems to show the software is limited in terms of the results it can display. That said, the data produced is perfect for…
o Predatory search marketing tactics
o Spy competitors adverts and split-tests
o Leverage off existing search competition.
The total data includes search positions, keywords, maximum and average cost per click, data regarding the result (full Adwords ad or search result) and the URL being linked to – it is however only for the Google search engine and not anything else.
The data compiled is comparable to the SEO PowerSuite software I use, although the addition of Adwords results does blur the similarities. The addition of AdWords makes the collected data a sort of ‘cheat sheet’ for success. You can simply download your competitor’s results and build up data around them.
However, this strategy – whilst incredibly useful – does neglect ‘new’ search demands (Google reported than some 20% of its monthly searches are totally new and unique to its data base each month). Could there be a goldmine everyone else is missing? I suggest using the ‘Reverse Google Search’ tool in conjunction with keyword research tools as well.
The third project type ‘Analyze AdWords Competition’. This tool allows you to evaluate the number of ads based on each keyword. Each time you ‘run’ it, it’ll adjust the data to give you the approximate number of AdWords ads, and from that be able to identify the trends in AdWords competition. A much generalized feature, but goes hand in hand with the ‘Reverse Google Search’
I copied and pasted some keywords from Wordtracker for ‘how to blog’ (extremely generic term) to test it out. A neat “scheduler” feature allows you to run timed tests – daily, weekly or monthly – to analyze each campaigns competition status. Handy in the PPC world where traffic, costs-per-click and Google’s algorithm are in constant motion.
Affiliate Elite has one more feature – ‘Find Super Affiliates’. I couldn’t get this one to work. At first thought I wondered if this would be my firewall settings, but upon looking into the customer support service (Brad Callen’s network has a comprehensive ticket based system in place) and the knowledge base I found a message saying it had been disabled! Funny; they don’t feature that on the sales page.
Although they do say a replacement is coming, the problems don’t stop there…
The bonuses advertised are useful yes, but limiting. The training videos are only screencast tutorials which show how to use the software and how you can specifically benefit from each part.
I say “only” because it doesn’t introduce you to anything new and different about affiliate marketing itself – screencast tutorials are incredibly helpful and a must for any software product. The actual tutorials are quite good with demonstrating the software and explaining the pros, but I felt left wanting more on ‘how to affiliate marketing’.
Picture giving a kid a guitar and the music but not teaching them how to play it. Sure, they may figure it out by trial and error, by asking someone else or by buying a book or something – but why should he be left to his own devices?
The forum (a community for everyone of Brad Callen’s customers from his Keyword Elite, SEO Elite, SEO Mindset etc. product range) is perhaps the perfect solution… but it’s quiet! Posts are sparse and there plain and simply isn’t enough volume of traffic to trigger fruitful discussion. There are numerous other platforms on the net such as Sitepoint where real experts ‘hang out’.
The 19 hours of audio recordings with industry experts such as Brad Fallon (however this sells for $147 at, not the $337 stated in the pitch) is invaluable however, complete with full PDF transcript. I downloaded all of them and coupled with the Reverse Google Search feature, they’re one of the most valueable parts.
However, the 19 hours of audio recordings with industry experts like (however this sells for $147 at, not the $337 stated in the pitch) is invaluable however, complete with full PDF transcript. I downloaded all of them and coupled with the Reverse Google Search feature, they’re one of the most valuable parts.
To access this information for only $4.95 (as a bonus to the software) is a bargain when you consider the quality of content. Each individual literally spends hours divulging their personal secrets to success.
- Gary Ambrose
- Marc Lindsay
- Mark Joyner
- Brad Fallon
- Jack Humphrey
- Joe Balestrino
- Mike Filsaime
- Keith Baxter
- Peter Kent
- Russell Brunson
- Michael Plante
- Sherman Hu
Mp3s aside, fundamentally I see this product being pitched wrong. Don’t get me wrong – it’s a quality affiliate software product and all, but I see it being ‘tossed’ into the money-making crowd, possibly even Get-Rich-Quick. That’s simply wrong.
Affiliate Elite is a powerful yet but really specialist tool. It is engineered specifically for reputable niche players who have the traffic, credibility and resources to leverage off the latest products to promote. It is engineered to make you more competitive against other affiliates by forensically analyzing their entire presence at Google. It is engineered to track AdWords competition trends over time.
It is a multiplier resource too – it isn’t a money printing machine, but it will concentrate your efforts in a much more profitable way. If you already have 1000 visitors per month to your site and are earning $1 per visitor, Affiliate Elite could help you find new, converting and profitable products to raise that to $5 per visitor for example. But if you’ve got 10,000 visitors per month this effect is magnified, and so the software becomes even more worth while
This is serious software for serious marketers.
o Established, trusted marketers with a clear defined niche
o High traffic sites and/or large loyal subscriber lists
o Users wanting to accelerate their affiliate marketing to the next step
o Marketers who can easily afford the $39.95/month subscription fee after the first month because there profits
I’m not a serious affiliate marketer (not like some of those guru testimonials featured!); I’m guessing not every buyer is. The lure of making lots of money via affiliate marketing without questioning the process perhaps catches a lot of people out. But more importantly are those who are ‘in affiliate marketing’ but not 110% engaged with it – and that’s fine! Not everyone is an affiliate marketer; some people will use affiliate marketing on the side. I personally like the policy of diverse income streams.
The mis-conception with this product is that it is ‘made out to be perfect for everyone. The true purpose of this tool makes it:
o NOT for product developers specifically – due to the lack of the ‘Find Super Affiliates’ feature at the moment.
o NOT for newbies with little or no traffic
o NOT for players with little or no knowledge of the affiliate marketplace. Have you banked your first affiliate cheque yet?
But for only $4.95 you can access the information for a month you need to make your affiliate marketing (or even just general online marketing) much more successful. You can cancel your subscription at any time; even straight after downloading the expert interview files and performing dozens of ‘Reverse Google Search’ runs.
For the new or less serious online marketers, there’s still a lot there at incredible value-for-money. For me, that’s why I bought it. The elite training sessions are invaluable and the reverse Google search feature is fantastic… but I don’t need it day in day out – especially for a monthly subscription.
For the serious affiliate marketers however, it is a gamechanger. You can track your entire industry on ClickBank and promote new, relevant and proven-to-be-profitable products straight to your audience and you benefit from yet more training and tuition via the elite sessions. For you, the focus is on making the software pay for itself over and over and over again.
Brad Callen Has Spent 9 Months And $110,000
In Software Development To Create A
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