7 Kinds of Internet Businesses to Start With Little Or Zero Capital

Making money without money is now obvious, both online and offline in this crazy era of information technology. In the industrial age, millions of dollars are made annually from the industries and in the information age, billions of dollars are made annually from information marketing. It may surprise you to know that you can start making money today anytime anywhere without a startup capital.

All you need is a solution oriented ideas. You may ask “what is the solution oriented areas of ideas”? Yes, what if you have useful information on how debtors can get out of debts as fast as possible? What about you, having an idea on how the barren can get pregnant naturally? How about ideas on how to make money, save money, improve your lifestyle or standard of living. You can now convert these ideas into informational products in the form of articles, short reports, ebooks or audio/video format for instant profit.

When you are able to carve out a niche from any of the solution oriented ideas you’ve got, then you can turn them into money making ventures from the seven zero capital business model I am going to be sharing with you below. These are not new business models, they as old as the internet, but the surest way to make money online in most cases is with zero capitals.

*Business Model One – AdSense Marketing:

AdSense is a contextualize adverts or small pieces of banners, displayed on your Blogs or websites by Google and other contextualize advert company.

You make money from those pieces of Ads, when visitors visit your websites or Blogs clicks on them. Sometimes it may not be necessary for the visitors to click on them, sometimes you are paid for the number of page impressions.

* Business Model Two – Blog Marketing:

Blog is a term coined from two words: “web” and “log” or weblog. It is an online journal or diary in which thoughts, ideas, events, passions, and solutions are shared with others who read them. Today Blog is one of the most successful and effective marketing tools. With free Blog host like Blogger.com and WordPress.com, one can start marketing your goods and services at zero cost.

* Business Model Three – Article Marketing:

Article marketing is as old as the internet itself. This has remained the most effective ways of making money online without investing a dim. All you need to do is locate very profitable products, and write articles on those products. One good thing about article is the lasting result it can produce. Only one effective article can keep generating income day in day out.

* Business Model Four – Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing is a revenue sharing market between the online advertisers and the affiliate. The advertisers create a product either physical or digital, and the affiliate or sales persons will promote it for a commission. The affiliates make their commission from performance, number of clicks, sales, and registrations. Affiliate marketing is one of the most lucrative marketing you can start with zero capital.

* Business Model Five – Forum Marketing:

Online forums are simply a virtual community of people. I call it a virtual community simply because, people from all over the world that share like interests, gather together at these places to share ideas, emotions, solve each others’ problems, make deals, sell their products and services etc.

The great thing about forums is the kind of crowd it pulls and the strength of activity that characterizes them. It is not uncommon to see forums with membership database that run into a hundred thousand and even over and they are mostly free. Now that you have a basic grasp of what forums are all about, how do you create a regular income from these online based forums. Remember, that is what I intend to show you in here.

* Business Model Six – Social Media Marketing:

Social media is the network of individuals coming together to form a specific groups, community or a neighborhood. This community can be school mate, interest group or marketers.

It is free to join any online social media and it very easy to market to the community of like passion.

* Business Model Seven – Referral Marketing:

Referral marketing is also one program you can start with zero capital. All you need is to refer a buyer or signup to the company, and certain commission is paid you, for your hard work.

These are seven simple zero cost business you can start online right way.

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If you find those tips how to start your business Online with zero capitals useful? You can learn a lot more about how to your Online business at ZeroCapitals.com

Adamu Alexander the InfoPreneur. He is a Financial Freedom Fighter, FreeLancer, Blogger, Social Networker, and the webmaster of http://www.zerocapitals.com, where you will find Financial Freedom Tips!, best online home businesses, internet income ideas, best online home business tools, software, eBooks and articles. Start your Zero Capitals Business! today

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