Fellow Warriors,

My last WSO "Step by Step PHP Template Guide" was an incredible success!
You are encouraged to read the feedback on that thread!

This WSO picks up where that one left off and takes things to an entirely new level. While there is some good information in the previous WSO, it is NOT necessary to benefit from this WSO as "Dynamic Websites" truly is a STEP BY STEP guide.

Step by Step Guide to
Dynamic Website Creation

Learn how to...

Dynamically Generate AdSense Niche Sites
Just upload your keywords and instantly turn them into thousands of targeted pages full of targeted AdSense ads.

Dynamically Generate Your Own "Cool Little Websites"
Again, just upload your keywords and crank out thousands of pages with targeted AdSense ads, Ebay Auction Listings and Amazon Ads.

Dynamically Generate Custom Landing Pages
Easily create targeted landing pages for your Adwords Campaigns and customized Sales Letters.

Over 30 Pages in PDF format.

Table of Contents:

How It Works
-- The Code Explained
-- php $value
-- echo value
-- php keywords
Basic AdSense Sites
-- Creating Your Index Page
-- Creating Your Dynamic Template
-- Setting Up .htaccess
-- Step by Step Simplified
Cool Little Websites
-- Getting Started
-- Code For Relevant Ebay Listings
-- Code For Amazon Ads
-- Add A Dynamic Search Box
Custom Landing Pages
-- Custom Adwords Landing Pages
-- Customized Sales Letters
Final Word

This will become an invaluable resource as I not only take you STEP BY STEP through the dynamic creation of the types of site I mention above but I also make sure that you understand how and why it works and offer suggestions to help you use what you will learn in all of your future website building.

Read What Other Warriors Had To Say

You get it ALL for $17

This is a RISK FREE purchase.

If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied, PM  me (wahguide) and I
will immediately refund every single penny!

The .odt file for Open Office users and .doc file for Word users is enclosed.


[YES] Can be given away
[YES] Can be packaged
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus
[YES] Can Be Edited Completely and Your Name Put on it
[YES] Can be added to paid membership sites
[YES] Can be offered through auction sites.
[YES] Can sell Resale Rights
[YES] Can sell Master Resale Rights

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