Today I’m going to reveal the “SECRET” to making money online.  If you’ve tried everything, if you’ve read every ebook available on split testing your ads, writing better copy, etc.. then the chances are that you just haven’t figured out the “secret” yet.

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Posted January 25th, 2008

Build A Niche Store (BANS), is a powerful website building application that can be used to generate huge commission checks from the Ebay Affiliate Program.  Using the Build A Niche Store application enables to you generate, not one but an incredible network of income production niche websites targeted to specific Ebay categories to maximize results.

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Posted January 24th, 2008

Choosing a good niche subject to base your website around is one of the most important aspects of making money off of your articles. This will give you a foundation to build from and you can target one general audience with a pack of keywords that they are most likely to be searching for. You should take each one of these keywords and use it for the basis of one article on each page. This way, even though you are targeting one specific subject, you will be sure to interest a wide variety of people in that one niche. They may also find other pages that interest them, which will keep them returning to your site to learn new information about the niche subject.

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Posted January 24th, 2008

Picking a good web hosting company is important to keeping your website open and your costs down. There are many to choose from, as well as different pricing plans to look over. Depending on the amount of sites that you intend on building, you may want to consider a larger web space in the long run.

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Some webmasters try to use articles from free content directories to get visitors to their site and make some money. This is mostly important for those who have just begun working as an affiliate for several companies and do not yet have any funding, yet need to built small niche websites to visitors to their site so that they can begin making revenue.

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