How to Migrate Your Getresponse Subscriber List to Aweber

If you’ve been following along, you probably already know that Getresponse has reportedly botched their system upgrade and many, many people are complaining on the various forums and personal blogs about their issues and wanting to switch to Aweber or another company but are afraid they’ll lose a large part of their subscribers in the process. Here are my thoughts on this process.

Let me say first that I do not use Getresponse and can’t verify what’s being said but there are too many people posting issues for it to not be a legitimate problem.

Here’s a post titled GetResponse 6.0 Is A Terrible Mess! and another titled GetResponse Major Upgrade – And A Lot Of Unhappy Customers! and one with a response titled GetResponse Upgrade – Response By Mick Griffin of GetResponse. That’s not even counting the six plus page thread on one popular webmaster forum.

If you want to switch from Getresponse to Aweber, you should…

Just do it!

The reality is while you may lose some subscribers in the process because they will be required to opt-in, it could well be a time to purge your list anyway.

Why should you be concerned with purging your lists?

The number of subscribers on your list may feel like a badge of honor but really it’s only a number. Much like counting hits to your website. What’s more important is the quality of those numbers.

Another issue at stake when touting high numbers of lower quality subscribers is that you generally pay your autoresponder company based on the size of your list. Do you REALLY think you have 10,000 buyers there? The chances are you do not.

If you decide to move your list over to Aweber, you can use this as an opportunity to trim the dead weight from your list. This could either drop you to a lower payment tier or leave room for additional growth of quality subscribers within the same tier.

If you provide decent information to your subscribers and have built a relationship with them, moving your list and retaining your subscribers will be fairly easy.

Set up an account at Aweber

Contact your list and explain that you are moving to a new mail system that will require them to opt-in. Let them know that you appreciate their being on your list and offer them something of value for taking the time to do so (don’t tell them what that is yet, let them anticipate your next mailing). Let them know when you will discontinue mailing through your current system and let them know to expect an email with the new sign up form within the next 24 hrs.

Approx. 24 hrs later, send an email letting them know that this is the last email they will receive. Give them the link to sign up to your new list and tell them what valuable gift they will receive after confirming. Make sure they know that they must check their email and confirm to receive the gift and remain on your list.

Once you’ve done this, you will have a new list at Aweber or whatever autoresponder service you choose that you know at least read your emails.

Good luck!

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