PPC Advertising Can Be Very Profitable – But There Are Risks
By now, everyone has heard of PPC Advertising. But does it work? Yes, it does. It can become very expensive, very quickly if it is not properly managed, but in the end, it is usually worth the money. On average, one sale will pay for a month of advertising, and you can be assured, most likely, of more than one sale per month. If not, then you are in the wrong business. Your product or service needs re-thinking, and maybe an entire overhaul of your web site might be needed in this instance.
People that click on your link are most likely looking for what your selling or, at the very least, interested in seeing your web site. This can generate leads, which you can later follow up. Every visitor leaves a cookie, but tracking cookies is unethical. Your sales letter will most often end up in the junk pile. You want potential customers to WANT to hear from you. You need them to voluntarily give you their name and email address.
As with any other advertising method, PPC can be risky. With poor management, you can spend a fortune, generate many visits, and end up with nothing to show for it. The amount of visits that actually end in a sale is small. Unlike the company that sends out thousands of fliers every week, your visitors are at least intrigued by your web site. But it takes more than intrigue to result in a sale.
A great product or service is always the most important aspect of any company! Which has to be followed up with exceptional customer support. A happy customer is repeat customer.
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Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.