Bookmarking Demon – My Secret Weapon For Traffic on Demand
As a webmaster and an internet marketer, getting targeted traffic and enough of it is the most important part of my job and what makes the difference between cashing in and going broke. Today I want to tell you about one of my favorite secret weapons in the quest for traffic to my site and soon you will see how easily it is to get good traffic on demand at the click of a button. The tool I am referring to is known as Bookmarking Demon. Read on for my review of BMD and learn how I use this program to generate interested visitors virtually on command.
Targeted traffic at will with just the click of a button may sound like a pipe dream, but with the growing popularity of Web 2.0 sites and properties, it’s easier than ever to connect with others who have like interests and may be interested in what your site is all about. There’s only one tiny problem with this strategy… it takes forever. If you have ever tried bookmarking your sites by hand, you know what I mean. Submitting your links can take hours of repetitive typing not to mention the time it takes to sign up for the accounts in the first place.
Here’s the solution – Bookmarking Demon software. This amazing masterpiece of a program will automate the tedious parts of registering for bookmarking accounts and submitting your sites. It does it all from account sign up to crawling your site to submitting your links. Out of the box there are over 300 sites that it submits to and you can add more of your own sites to further extend the capabilities and traffic generating potential.
There are a number of advanced features that you can learn more about by visiting the link below this article, but for now I will say that if you dream it this tool can probably do it. Bookmarking Demon is currently in version 4 and the developer is great about releasing regular updates and adding new features. Updates are free and I have received several since purchasing the software over a year ago.
The best part of using BMD and social bookmarking sites to generate traffic to all of your sites is that it is viral. If people like what you share, then they can share it too. This extends the power of your efforts ten fold. Just remember to provide good links and the remainder of your promotion will take care of it’s self.
So, there you have it. My secret is out of the bag. Bookmarking Demon is what I use for targeted traffic on demand (as in right away) and there is also the additional benefit of the back links I am gaining in the process which further help my site with regards to the search engines.
(There will be No Monthly Fee and you will
get Unlimited Updates for free!)
Read the full Bookmarking Demon Review and learn how to get your hands on a copy of this secret weapon today – Click Here Now or visit: