My Personal Twitter Traffic Machine Experience
On Monday, April 20, 2009, I had just over 100 people following me on Twitter. A week later on Monday, April 27 I had over 1000 followers. That’s an increase of 1000 % or an average increase of about 130 new followers per day. Today is Monday, May 4, 2009 and I have close to 2000 followers on Twitter. That’s a 2000% increase and my average per day has increased to 135.
This growth is the result of following tips and techniques I learned after an hour of watching “The Twitter Traffic Machine,” a six video set created by Bill Crosby. Bill promises that he can teach you how to generate 16,000 followers on Twitter in 90 days and how you can make a lot of money in the process. Furthermore, he claims that this process will be on auto pilot so your followers and your paychecks will continue to grow 24 hours a day with almost no extra effort on your part. Bill offers a 100% money back guarantee if for any reason you’re not satisfied. The cost is a reasonable $27.00. At that price point I figured I had very little to lose so I purchased the videos and within minutes I was watching what turned out to some pretty interesting stuff.
Everything that Bill teaches you is very easy to implement. It took about an hour to set everything up and I watched with pleasure as the number of my Twitter followers started to increase. As I mentioned earlier I have generated over 2000 followers in two weeks. Based on my results I’ve projected that I will have generated 13,230 followers at the end of the 90 day period. If I covert 1% of that into sales I will have generated about 132 sales ($3,564.00). Let’s say I convert just .01%. That’s 13 sales totaling $351. Turn that into a monthly revenue stream and that’s what, a car payment? Not bad for not having to do very much. What if you do reach 16,000 and you convert 4%? That’s 640 sales totaling $17,280. I guess it’s possible but not very likely (the sales part that is).
I haven’t generated a sale yet but I’m getting tons of targeted traffic to my other websites. The nice thing about targeted traffic is that it consists of people with whom I share a common interest.
The Completely Automated Twitter Growth &
Money Making System for People That Want to
Set Up A System ONCE, Forget About It,
and Have it Grow and Make Money EVERY Day!
To see my weekly projections along with my actual results visit my blog at