What is the Twitter Traffic Machine
Twitter is probably the fastest growing social media group on the internet today. Marketing through social media has gone on for years, but is often abused. Let’s take a look at one of the most popular practices on the internet today.
Everywhere I look, I see affiliates selling the twitter traffic machine on twitter, and my journalistic instincts took over. So I bought it to see what the hype was.
The system actually consists of a plan to use 6 free sites that is already out there in conjunction to create one automated solution for writing content, finding followers, and following other people. In other words, it just snowballs until you have a gazillion followers and even more posts. Sounds pretty dumb, I know, but take a closer look.
If you had a following of say, 30 000 people, that is your personal ad group of potential buyers. For an affiliate marketer, that is heaven, if used right.
The problem however is, that people that know nothing of affiliate marketing is now buying this product, because it is cheap, and easy to set up, and spamming all of us out of the network. Scaring the fish away, if you will. They all think that they can start this up, and then just keep throwing clickbank links at everyone. THIS does not work. The essence of social networks, is exactly that, SOCIAL. If everyone just tried to sell the same product to everyone else, then nobody would get any sales.
The sad fact is that this is a great tool if used correctly. Unfortunately, it is not. I think it would be a great source of traffic for site owners, but for the millions of people out there, buying it, it will be a great loss, and in the end would destroy the essence of twitter for so many real twitterers.
The old saying is true, with great power comes great responsibility. Bill Crosby was a genius to create this system. Just a shame so many people are missing the point and abusing an otherwise promising product.
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Freddie Pretorius is a full time Internet Marketer and now also founder of his own website that teaches young internet entrepreneurs how to start making money online. If You are interested, Go To: http://www.CashMakersEdge.com