All About Social Bookmark Submitters
A social bookmark submitter is a routine that allows users to organize bookmarks on the Internet. This process uses metadata labels, which are a way to organize information. The use of metadata labels, or tags, helps the user better manage and sort through various web pages. Tagging or collaboratively tagging creates standards of common word usage and a better system of organization among users.
An example of a metadata could organize information regarding an animal like a lion. We could label that information using mammal, cats, mane, or roar. This sub-classification helps a web search engine further refine a user’s search. This helps sort out and yield only those pages specific to the user’s metadata requirement.
The classification of data used by social bookmarks is known as folksonomy. This word is derived from the combination of folk and taxonomy, the process of classification. Folksonomy refers to the process used by individual users, rather than technicians, to classify information. This system is popular with social bookmark submitters and creates a way for users on social sites to connect.
The process of social bookmarking dates back to the earlier days of the Internet’s development, around 1996. Earlier services employed bookmarks available both within user groups and publicly. As other competitors entered the market, bookmark tagging became more innovative in its use of folders and graphics to organize information. Social bookmark submitters may also be susceptible to spam and security breaches. This can be solved with the use of most spam filters and security software.
With the various ways and devices that can be used to access information online, social bookmarking is creating a shared standard. This shared standard has the advantage of making web searches easier and faster. It enables users to store that information in a way that can be used by a similar user without the fuss of having to wade through unrelated content.
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