Five Easy Ways To Use Online Video To Generate New Business Now!

It’s no secret that “business as usual” isn’t going to help your business survive and thrive in a tough economy. These days, you need every marketing advantage you can muster. Fortunately, Online video has become a mainstream low or no cost solution that can have a powerful and immediate impact on your business.

The reason web video is growing so fast is simple: Online video helps attract new customers and convert more sales. Use of video on the web is exploding because it works!

The good news is that creating videos to brand and promote your business is easier than ever. Once you learn the basics – and there are plenty of teleclasses or self-study programs that can teach you how – you can use video to generate new business.

Here are 5 great ways to use video to boost your business starting today:

1. “Blast” a video postcard promoting your compelling offer to your prospects. Video is perfect for demonstrating the benefits of your offerings. Video is engaging and personal, so you develop your “know, like and trust” factor with your potential customer very quickly.

There are a number of ways to send a “video postcard,” which is essentially an email video message. If you’ve got a Flip Video camera, the included software allows you to email a video message with a few mouse clicks.

2. Tape a brief “tip series” in your area of expertise and upload your series to YouTube.

Use your webcam or your Flip Video camera to tape a handful of short tips highlighting your expertise. They don’t need to be fancy, just relevant to your target market. “How to” videos are very popular, so tape some quick tips and upload them to YouTube. You can then send a link to your YouTube tips series to your clients and prospects.

3. Add a welcome video to your web home page.

If you do own a webcam or a video camera, you can tape a simple welcome message to add to your home page. This brief video can introduce your services to first time visitors to your site. As you know if you read Steve Krug’s “Don’t Make Me Think,” web visitors like being told exactly what to do when they arrive on your site – and there’s no better way to do that than with a personal video message!

4. Create a fast and free video montage with

Another free website that allows you to create and send videos is With Animoto, you simply add your own photos, select some music, add a bit of text, and Animoto creates a custom video montage in seconds. It’s a great way to get started with video even if you don’t own a webcam or video camera!

5. Post a video message on Facebook and promote the link to your video on Twitter.

Facebook is a great place to post your videos, because the social network encourages sharing and comments. Your video can “go viral” once on Facebook, because when someone comments on your video, the video shows up on their Facebook page, as well!

Once your video is on Facebook or YouTube, be sure to promote the link to your video on Twitter. There are also Twitter-related sites such as Tweetube and Twiddeo that will promote your video to Twitter. The important thing is to share and spread your video to as many places as possible!

Whether you try one or more of these video marketing methods, getting your video online will increase your web presence (24/7), enhance your credibility, and promote your business in a unique and compelling way.

Start using online video today to break through the clutter, attract more of your ideal clients and – best of all – get more business!

Video Intro Created by Animoto

Free Online Tool to Create
Cool Music Video Intro’s From Photos

Lou Bortone is a long-time marketing and branding consultant who helps entrepreneurs build breakthrough brands on the Internet, with services such as online video production, video branding, coaching and creative support. Lou is a former television executive who worked for E! Entertainment Television and later served as the Senior Vice President of Marketing & Advertising for Fox Family Worldwide, a division of Fox in Los Angeles. Lou is an author and ghostwriter of six business books, a Certified Guerrilla Marketing Coach and a Book Yourself Solid Certified Coach. For more information, tips and freebies, please visit Lou’s website at

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