Ebook Writing – How to Repackage Public Domain Books For Re-Sale
When you speak of Ebook writing, the first thing that comes to mind is hours and hours of research, writing, and editing. If you have an online business, you usually do not have the time to produce all this material because of the numerous demands of your business.
One way to overcome this is to repackage public domain books and use them as bonuses for your principal business. You can also sell these repackaged Ebooks. The following tips could help you understand how to repackage public domain material so you can use them for your own business.
1. Before you start publishing any public domain book, make sure to check the existing copyright of the materials that you are going to publish. This is to avoid any legal issue or complication from using public material.
2. Choose material that is related to your market niche. For example, if you have an online coaching business, then you can get psychology and personality development books. There are tons of public books now that will be suitable for your market niche.
3. Redesign the public domain information and make them easier to read. Usually, these public domain materials are not well formatted. Add value to these books by organizing their layout and designs. You can also add photos if you want in order to make the books engaging.
4. Compress the file to minimize their file size. Most public information have huge file sizes and they are very difficult to download. You can make life easier for your customers by compressing the sizes of the Ebooks for fast downloading.
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