The Secret Most Article Submitter Developers Don’t Want You to Know

Submitting articles to different article directories is a daunting task. For someone who submits articles frequently, they’ll probably tell you how they end up spending about an hour submitting their articles just to 10 article sites.

Imagine spending an hour writing an article, and then spending the next hour submitting articles. Would you do it again? Probably not!

To save effort and money, most marketers have turned to the use of article submitter softwares to automate their article submissions.

But truth be told. Do these article submitters truly submit articles to article directories automatically? Let’s find out…

3 weeks ago, I purchased the one of the best article submitters available on the online market. This software promises to submit articles automatically to sites including and

I spent an hour writing an article to be submitted. And the next half an hour figuring out how to use the submitter.Finally, I got the article submitter fully configured, ready to submit my articles. But when I clicked the “Start” button…

The program hanged right at the first article submission. It couldn’t submit to I probably stared at the computer for another 10 boring seconds until finally the error popped up. The article submission failed to work automatically. And guess what?

The article submitter suggested for me to submit my article manually – meaning I had to press the “Submit” button for each article site.


If I wanted to submit my articles to sites automatically, would I have bothered to purchase the article submitter software in the first place? So what is the purpose of acquiring an automated article submitter if I still had to press the “Submit” button for each article site?

Stubborn to accept the fact, I again purchased another article submitter only to find out that their automatic article submissions didn’t work out as well. But again, I refused to give up. I virtually bought every single article submitter software available out there. Then, I realized something…

Most submitters either hang or they require you to press the “Submit” button when it comes to article submissions. Most of them do not allow fully automated article submissions.

And that was when I finally decided to put my programming expertise to great use. That I would develop the best article submitter software which truly automates article submissions. A software that requires no additional effort on the users’ part.

Brad Callen’s Article Submitter

You’ve got to see it to believe it! (Click PLAY
to watch this baby fly at warp speed!)

Finally! Announcing The All New Incredible Article Submitter That Checks, Formats and Submits Your Articles On Complete Autopilot! Want to find out how it can automate all your article submissions to save you time and effort? Visit Now!

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