Social Networking – The Next Big Thing in Marketing
Social networking has become the latest, huge trend in marketing. Marketers have realised the potential of exposure to hundreds of thousands of eyes.
The search engines love the social sites and most of the people on them not been overexposed to marketing techniques.
If your approach to marketing is a good one you will have no trouble getting thousands of new leads for your business.
One thing you must not do is to start shoving your product down the throat of your prospects. They are not stupid and if you try, they will shut you down instantly.
The best approach is to develop a relationship. You could start by offering something of value, free. It is a good way to get them to see you as an authority on your subject. You don’t even have to give away anything of your own. You could just suggest they look at a video or site you think is relevant.
Once they begin to trust you, you can send them to your site for more free content. The idea is to build a lasting relationship with a person before you start to send them to sales pages. It’s a good way to find out what your customers are interested in, what their needs are, and what the best products are to offer them.
If you are genuinely looking out for the interests of your customers, you can develop a long lasting profitable relationship with hundreds, if not thousands of people from social networking sites.
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