Increasing traffic to your web site is important for growing your business. The more people you have coming to your site the more business you can get. There are many ways to promote your website and improve traffic. Here are some of them.

First is to get your site search engine optimized. By including the most relevant search keywords phrases at all the apt places in your web pages, you can get your site SEO and increase your ranking in search engine results. Getting your website listed in all important and relevant directories will ensure direct traffic from them. It will also improve Google ranking. If your pages have a high ranking in Google, they will be displayed right at the top of the results pages. You can submit your site to all popular search engines to be included in their index listings. Reciprocal linking is a good way to get more inbound linking into your pages from other sites. In this method, you get your page links in other sites that are related to your products and services and so the same thing for them. With reciprocal linking you can get quality, inbound links which increases page ranking with Google.

You can even buy links to your site from popular sites. You can place banner ads on many popular sites which will catch user attention. Banners can also be done as reciprocal service with other sites. There is a Pay per click model in which you pay to be included in the sponsored links section of search engines. There are other alternative methods that can be used to promote your web site. An affiliate marketing program helps in increasing traffic where you can pay the affiliate for every customer who does business with you through that affiliate. You can write articles on subjects that pertain to your line of business, include your site link at the end and submit it to hit websites and ezines. You can create your own blog or participate in other popular blogging communities.

You can look at popularizing your website offline like conducting/ sponsoring events, getting media coverage and placing ads in popular magazines and newspapers that are connected with your business. Sending out emails to a large number of IDs – you can get valid email IDs from many providers. But you should be careful to send mails to people who have agreed to get such mails and not to trespass on privacy. There are webmaster who publish reviews about websites on their own sites – you can request them to write reviews on your site. All browsers should be able to access your site and even people with disabilities should be able to use your site comfortably. These are points that will get you additional traffic. Most important – you should make your site user friendly so that a person who has visited it finds the right information he wants immediately without difficulty. By doing this, you can retain customers and make your site more popular.


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