How to Increase Web Traffic – 11 Effective Tips

Failure to learn how to increase web traffic is the number one reason that internet-based businesses go out of business. A website can be an income-generating tool, or it can be just another pretty face on the World Wide Web.

Traffic is really the heartbeat of a successful business. Increasing website traffic can be quite a task if you are seeking free traffic from the search engines, or it can get extremely expensive if you choose to pay for each visitor. These tips will help you to obtain a balance that you and your pocketbook can live with.

Optimize your website
The number one way of how to increase web traffic includes optimizing your website by adding profitable keywords to the html tags of the website. Many website owners expect their website to be optimized when their website designer builds it, but in many cases, that isn’t the case.

Add targeted content
In addition to the tags, the search engines also pay attention to the content of the website. A website that is filled with content pages that are optimized using profitable keywords has a greater chance of getting top search engine ranking.

Get listed in directories
Directory listings will improve the link popularity of your site which is another tactic that the search engines use in ranking websites in their search results. You probably won’t get a lot of traffic from directory listings; however, it will improve your ranking the search engines.

Promote the business on forums
Participating in industry-related forums and discussion boards is an excellent form of how to increase web traffic. Not only will it help with link popularity, but if you offer sound answers to questions, you will build relationships and a sense of trust that will drive people to your site.

Become a blogger
Many blogs accept comments and allow you to provide a link to your site in your post which will improve your link popularity. Some even use the plug-in from Google analytics called “Comment Luv”, which provides a link your latest blog entry which can drive traffic to a site with an added blog.

Market the site through article marketing
Article marketing is a sensible way of how to increase web traffic to your website. The articles that you write can be republished as is allowing the link in the resource box to be published all over the web. The content of the article builds credibility and is bound to result in increased traffic.

Participate in Wiki sites
Links on most Wiki sites don’t have any value in regard to link popularity; however, authors on Wiki sites are considered authorities on the niche that they write about. Participating can give you credibility and if you can obtain a link, it is likely to increase traffic.

Networking with others who will send you referrals is a long-time strategy both for online and offline businesses. Internet-based businesses benefit from participating in social media websites through which you can direct traffic to your site.

Buying ads through a pay-per-click program or purchasing ads on popular websites is a valid (but sometimes expensive) option of how to increase web traffic.

Email marketing
Don’t forget the potential of previous customers or subscribers. By marketing through email to an opt-in list, you can generate repeat traffic to your website.

Don’t leave out your friends, family and associates
Use the signature file in your everyday email and print your URL on your stationary and envelopes, on signs on your vehicle and so forth. Promoting your website should be a big part of your everyday life.


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Buford Mobley is a successful internet entrepreneur who learned about internet marketing through using awesome resources. Get more information about making an internet business successful and how to increase web traffic by visiting his website NetBizForNewbies.

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No Responses to “Website Traffic – 4 Easy Ways to Drive an Avalanche of Traffic to Your Website”

  1. Ciaran Doyle on July 14th, 2009 at 1:48 am


    Great article. I have found that I am starting to use blogs alot more to market and have begun to see the real power of them if they are used properly. Wordpress is the daddy of blogs and google absolutely loves it.

    There are a few extra special plugins that can help you out but the best on e is All In One SEO, learn how to use this and you can see your posts being ranked on page 1 of google within 5 minutes if done correctly.


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