Niche Markets and the Public Domain

To make really big and ongoing, regular profits from a handful of eager buyers, you might consider choosing a definite niche and focus purely on books and other products to tempt members of that niche. Niche markets are those where members share a specific and tightly definable interest, such as bellringing, Boxer dogs, collecting CDVs of Victorian dwarfs, and so on.

The tighter the niche, the more passionate those people usually are and the easier they are to sell to. The big thing about a niche market is the fact that members are usually passionate about their subject and are regular, reliable and big spend buyers for virtually any new product introduced about their special interest. Apart from generating regular, repeat buyers for your niche products you might eventually find yourself cornering the market for your niche and having so many products available that deter new publishers from competing against you.

One of the most profitable niche markets is ‘how to’ information. Let me give you a few ideas to show you how to cash in on this great niche:

* Create a ‘How To’ manual or course. ‘How To’ describes information products that show readers how to accomplish some specific task and there are literally millions of tasks people are desperate to accomplish and need someone to show them how. These tasks can be short or long, easy or complex, suitable for short reports fetching a few dollars apiece or suitable for long multi-part courses priced in hundreds of dollars a month. You really can’t possibly run out of ideas for ‘How To’ products you can pick up in minutes from the public domain to reintroduce or repackage and sell from now to forever.

* Use content to develop web sites for ‘How To’ AdSense and other affiliate earning promotions. Google AdSense works best where web pages are optimised for specific keywords and phrases and most successful AdSense earners favour using public domain content at their sites, as well as PLR content (Private Label Rights and means you are allowed to publish content unchanged or make whatever changes you like without breaching copyright laws). But unlike lazier AdSense marketers who upload Public Domain and PLR content unchanged, their more professional counterparts take time to search engine optimise that content and benefit from more hits from Google and other search engines and higher AdSense payouts.

* Start a blog, start several blogs, about different ‘How To’ subjects pertaining to your other online marketing interests. Post on every blog, every day, using information from the public domain. Use each posting to recommend a product that generates affiliate commission for you and add a link to another of your web sites, several sites if you wish and build thousands of cross links to boost traffic to your other marketing sites.

* Use content in ‘How To’ articles, autoresponders, and other online marketing tools. But be warned, too many people uploading the same text is frowned on by search engines like Google and may even get your articles and other web site content blocked from their database. Articles, a great way to generate links to your web sites to generate more search engine traffic, should be recreated from the public domain, either paraphrased or added to, or completely rewritten from the basic text. This creates exclusivity and overcomes the fact that many article databases ban public domain and PLR articles from their directories. For autoresponders and other marketing techniques that do not depend on keeping search engines happy, you might get away with republishing public domain and PLR content unchanged, but still you face other marketers uploading duplicate content and sharing whatever, if any, search engine traffic exists for your content.

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