Pay Per Click and the Affiliate Marketer

What is Pay Per Click Advertising most commonly referred to as PPC Advertising? Pay Per Click Advertising is the means where you as the advertiser or affiliate marketer sets up one or more keyword or key phrase targeted ads on search engines like Google, Yahoo or MSN. There are many other search engines that also feature PPC programs, but these search engine companies are by far the largest currently available on the Internet.

When a user of the search engine types in a keyword(s) or key phrase an ad is displayed usually on the right hand side of the results page with a list of advertisements that have been associated with the search terms by the advertiser. Your ads standing in this list of ads is dependent on the relevancy of your ad to the keyword(s), the relevancy of the landing page and the Cost Per Click or the amount you are willing to bid for the top spot on the ad list.

To be successful in acquiring as many targeted clicks as possible it is important that you choose the right targeted words or phrases that correspond to the product you are promoting and that your advertisement include the keyword or phrase and that the landing page is optimized for the terms a users is searching for.

The better you advertisement and landing page are optimized for the terms or keywords / key phrases users search for the lower your cost will be for each click and the higher your conversions from the click through that you receive. Using PPC Advertising is complex and requires a substantial budget for keyword testing, which needs to be done so you can zero in on a set of high conversion search terms that will convert well when a visitor clicks on your ads. As a result PPC is not recommend for affiliate marketers that lack experience with this type of advertising and that are not well capitalized. It is highly recommend that you first start off with other forms of advertising and slowly learn about Pay Per Click Advertising before you jump into it.

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