Best Selling Items on eBay – Here’s an eBay Business Opportunity You Haven’t Thought Of
A question that often gets asked is “How do I find out what the best selling items on eBay are?” The question isn’t too difficult to answer. You head over to eBay pulse.
What’s eBay pulse?
This is an eBay tool that allows you to find out what the top searched for items are in any given category. It also supplies data of the most successful eBay stores within each category too! This is marketing intel gold, and better still, it’s free!
The best way to use eBay pulse is by clicking on the “all categories” drop down list which brings up a generic category list. From here we can delve a little further into each category to find out some niche categories. For example, I chose the “Camera and Photos” category and found the Hasselblad camera at #8 on this listing.
To find out what were the best sellers in this category, I simply clicked on the link that took me over to the auctions for the Hasselblad camera and clicked on the “completed listing tab”. Please note: You will need to be signed in to use this function.
Once you’ve clicked on this tab you’ll be shown a nice list of “sold items”. This list is out best sellers.
What Can We Do With This List?
The way I personally monetize this list for a eBay great business opportunity is by producing an information product on this topic. Probably ranging from “How to get the best out of your Hasselblad camera” or “Hints and tips on taking a better picture with your Hasselblad camera”. I either write this myself or outsource this to be written from places like ScriptLance or Elance. The document would be no longer than around 15-20 pages of A4.
Head over to ClickBank or Paydotcom and find an affiliate product to promote. An affiliate product is basically a product that has been produced by someone else and who offer you a share in the profit if a sale is made. We’ll promote these by way of an affiliate link embedded into our written document.
From here we embed those links into the document and turn that document into a PDF file. There are many ways to do this, my favorite bit of software is called “Open Source”, but feel free to use whichever PDF software you like.
I then get a nice eBook picture designed for my product, write a nice little sales page to accompany it and started selling these into my chosen niche. When someone buys the eBook and clicks on one of the affiliate links I get paid for each sale. So, not only are you making money on what we call the “front end”, we’re also making back-end sales of the affiliate product.
When someone purchases an eBook from you, simply burn it onto CD ROM and ship it out to them. if you though there was more, that’s it! Simple technique eh?
You’re probably looking at a 1-3% conversion but that’s not too bad. If done well, simply rinse and repeat with different categories in eBay pulse.
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Or…do you want to learn how to find what the most popular and hot products are selling for on eBay?
Find out how here: Top Selling Items On eBay.
DesDrec is an Internet Marketer & Strategic eBay Marketer. He’s given up his day job to work online full time. In the process he’s actually helping more people to do this too!
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