Bookmarking Demon Review – Why the Software Isn’t For Everyone

Hi Guys, thanks for reading my fluff free Bookmarking Demon Review. I have a little confession to make. I heavily rely on social bookmarking to help get traffic to my niche sites. Bookmarking Demon is one of those pieces of software which has gotten attention of late. I mean, social bookmarking manually can be a seriously tedious task. And if you are anything like me, I like to create and move onto other niches weekly, which is why I brought Bookmarking Demon.

Who Is Bookmarking Demon Really For?

If you have a traffic plan in place, then I recommend the software to you. If you’ve tried outsourcing your traffic without much success, then this is also a cheaper and time saving solution you can use in the long run. What I also recommend you do is mix the social bookmarking submissions with the software with manual submissions for maximum effectiveness. That’s how I’ve had most of my success.

I don’t recommend using the software if you don’t have a submission plan in place. You must organize yourself, especially with traffic. The software will give you tons of backlinks, and when you carry out the submissions to schedule, watch your rankings and traffic soar.

Overall Do I Recommend It?

This depends on how organized you are. Like I mentioned in the previous paragraph, you have to be organized. Other than that, Bookmarking Demon is an accomplished bit of kit. The owner Edwin Brian is updating the software, so it looks like this is something that will evolve and get better. Obviously there are a few nags like there is with most automation software out there, such as updates being delayed, but that’s something that you have to take into consideration. Time is important to all marketers, which is why you must outsource or use software which can do tasks for you. It’s one of those applications I personally use, and I’ve found it works for me although it’s not the only piece of kit I use.


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check out what I really believe is the best piece of software out there and and why. click here to find out more…

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One Response to “Bookmarking Demon Review – Why the Software Isn’t For Everyone”

  1. Found it…. Thank for your review… I wonder if you had any negitive effect with this program as you did with the 2009 SocialBot post?

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