Work At Home Ideas

Auto-Blog Creation For Fun and Profit

An auto-blog is a blog that has the ability to update itself with the use of special plug-ins. Most auto-blogs are created on the WordPress platform due to the ability to add special plug-ins. Auto-blogs are a good option if you are busy and do not have time or energy to continually post to a blog.

To create uniqueness of your auto-blog, you can easily add your own unique content. An auto-blog will pull content from other sources via an RSS feed. The auto-blog method is unique in a way because the auto-blog will obtain “organic” search engine traffic.

There are several free WordPress plug-ins that will help with automation and there are paid plug-ins as well. Each of the plug-ins are designed to accomplish a specific task and will pull content from specific websites. Usually it is as simple as finding the correct rss feed that corresponds with the niche that you are promoting.

There are many types of auto-blogs that can be created. The vast majority of auto-blogs that are made are used specifically for product or affiliate promotion. These types of auto-blogs are quite popular for their ease of set-up. Auto-blogs can quite literally be a set and forget method of bringing in extra income. Once your auto-blog is set-up and you have done a little promotion it is an almost hands free method to create an automatic residual income.

Personally I find auto-blogs fun and easy to create. I have recently written my own auto-blog creation guide that walks you through all of the steps needed to set up five types of auto-blogs. From the first steps of changing your domain name servers to your host, all the way to plug-in configuration and tweaking your auto-blog for seo purposes; you will find this information and more in the guide.

Generate Automatic Income

Auto Blog Samurai Software automatically creates content and updates your blog every day – once your blog is setup, you’re done!

Truly A ‘Set & Forget’ Solution – Now building profitable blogs, traffic generation and building a responsive email list is push button simple!


Do you want to learn more about auto-blog creation? Read my handy guide! Autoblog Factory

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