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Who Loves Money Review – Zero Cost Quality Affiliate Marketing Techniques

The secret is out on how to generate a respectable affiliate marketing income using zero cost techniques. Actually the secret has been out for a while, but only a handful of smart affiliates have paid proper attention to the techniques now laid out in exquisite detail in the latest affiliate marketing offering: Who Loves Money?. Stay tuned, and I will tell you exactly how to create zero cost campaigns that rapidly turn your affiliate marketing labors into profit generators with long-term payoffs.

Before we launch into a discussion of zero cost affiliate marketing techniques, let me say something about one of the most important affiliate marketing alternatives to the zero cost techniques: pay per click advertising. You are probably familiar with it, and if so, very likely you have lost money attempting to create campaigns that promote various sales commission based merchant offers.

Google Adwords is undoubtedly the most well known of the pay per click services, but Yahoo and other search portals offer similar advertising opportunities. Your best bet, if you have had little success with pay per click marketing, is to cut your affiliate marketing teeth on the zero cost techniques that I am about to discuss–and which are covered in more breadth in Who Loves Money–and then use the knowledge gained from the results to devise pay per click campaigns that really convert.

So much has been written about the use of blogging as a zero cost technique for generating traffic to affiliate marketing sites that I am not going to discuss it any further here. Blogging works well for some affiliates, but it does not suit every affiliate simply because maintaining and growing a SINGLE site requires a certain “nurturing psychology” that can sometimes go against the grain. Even proponents of the Who Loves Money system will agree with this. If you are more the hit and run type affiliate, like I am, you instead want to try your hand at marketing a product using different techniques, then leave the campaigns in place that work (zero cost or not), and move on to something else.

So what are the zero cost opportunities available to the hit and run affiliate? What are the ideas covered in Who Loves Money that promise high returns on your investment in time–not money!

There are many, but I shall be focusing here on just a few of them. Another name for zero cost affiliate marketing techniques is bum marketing. The reason: affiliate promotion techniques that require no money up front could, at least in principle, be used by a bum without a dime to invest in campaigns. But provided you can type at a keyboard, only time, and not money, is required to get started.

Who loves money? Not me. I love my kid. But I could use the money to help him prosper in life, and I am sure you could too.

Article marketing is a zero cost technique that every affiliate marketer should know about. But I will also assume that you are familiar with it. Instead, I want to concentrate on affiliate marketing techniques that involve 4 websites that you might not be familiar with:,,, and

If you have NOT heard about any of these affiliate marketing platforms, you are about to lose hours of your time and sleep as you head off to explore these sites. Who loves money? The guys who created these sites do. And, more importantly, they know that there is a huge crowd of affiliate marketers out there who have been looking for zero cost ways to promote their offerings.

On every one of these sites you can create affiliate marketing campaigns that will cost you nothing to set up, other than the time you invest creating pages. More importantly, you may add as many direct links to merchant pages as you please, and you can embed your affiliate ID directly into the URLs. For affiliate marketers these sites are little slices of heaven.

Now, if these sites did not receive heavy traffic, there would be little point sending you to them. But well written pages on these sites DO rank well in the search engines, and that is what makes this form of zero cost affiliate marketing so valuable. Who loves money? A lot of smart affiliates using these sites. That’s who.

But there are a lot of tips and tricks that separate the winners from the losers even on zero cost affiliate marketing platforms like the ones outlined above. The truth is, you are going to need to know how to out-perform your competitors if you really want to succeed at this. You may not spend a dime on your new campaigns, but you WILL invest a lot of your time.

So make it count. Unless you are prepared to spend a few weeks, possibly even months, spinning your wheels until things fall into place for you, grab a copy of Who Loves Money? today and get a well-deserved head start. The investment you make in this guide will pay for itself in no time, especially when you factor in the money saved from pausing those no longer needed pay per click campaigns.

Who loves money? OK, I do. But I love my kid a lot more! That, and my recommendation that you won’t regret grabbing a copy of Who Loves Money, you can take to the bank.

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Would you believe that Kyle and Carson, creators of the Who Loves Money system of zero cost affiliate marketing techniques, were able to apply their methods of niche discovery to zero-in on a niche that generates them $60 per minute? Not per hour. But per minute! Learn more in my Squidoo lens on Zero Cost Affiliate Marketing Techniques [] that make money for you.

Nick Hawkins is a freelance writer.


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