The Work At Home Guide

Using Article Marketing to Establish Trust

Posted in Article Marketing December 6, 2006 ( bookmark this article )

By Andy West

When it comes to finding information on the Internet, there’’s more than enough to go around. But when you want to get specific information to specific people, this can become a little more complicated. If you'’re in a business that you'’d like to advertise to customers, this action falls into the category of article marketing, and here’’s what you need to know.

Readers on the Internet are more skeptical than ever. It seems that no one really believes what he or she is told. They believe even less that someone actually wants to help them find the answers they'’re looking for. However, knowing this, you can begin to re-establish the trust that is missing. You can do this by making sure that any article marketing you'’re involved in includes quality content with information that will show the reader your authority regarding the subject as well as the connection to your business.

Another concern with article marketing is presenting factual and compelling information. When you'’re looking to entice new customers, you need to present yourself in the most positive light possible. This means that you need to know what customers are looking for, and do your best to provide the information. Try to keep up to date with the latest trends in your industry and know what customers are talking about. You can go to article forums or business message boards to look around at what customers are saying. Any articles that you write for your business website can then be tailored to addressing these issues. You might even want to post on these forums, directing people to your website for more information.

Along with your article marketing plan, you'’ll want to ensure that your readers can contact you for more information, if needed. Try to include your website address as well as email address so that you show that you genuinely care about following up with their concerns. You might want to set up an autoresponder function on an email account to answer these queries immediately and show that you are willing to interact with customers and future contacts.

Establish continued contact with those that have read your articles by offering free reports, newsletters and other valuable information from your business. The only trick is that this information needs to be useful and not all sales-related. The key to successful article marketing is to inform your readers so that they want to take action, that is, buy your service or product. But when a reader feels pressured into the sale, they can be hesitant to do so. Offer valuable information and mention your business occasionally, which allows the customer to feel like they have the final decision.

Here are some key points to remember with article marketing:

Introduce information rather than pitch sales items
Establish your credibility and authority
Offer free and useful information
Create actions that the reader can take such as signing up for newsletters, free reports, etc.
Give the reader your contact information.

Article marketing goes beyond getting your article to as many people as possible. You need to provide interesting and factual information that your customers and potential customers can use. And once they realize that you are trying to help them, they will begin to look at what else you can offer. It will be the beginning of a beautiful business relationship.

About The Author

Andy West is a freelance writer for Article Submission Tools Reviews, a company that reviews article marketing products and services. For more information, please visit .

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