The Work At Home Guide

How I got Rid of Customer Support and Saved 8 Hours a Day

Posted in Customer Service October 15, 2006 ( Read | Bookmark )

You may not be aware of this, but customer support can very easily be your main time consumer. Yes, those emails that you get, and answer one by one, they end up taking a LOT of your time.

Now, how would I know that?

The reason I know that is because this happened to me. Except doing my company’s customer support got to a point where I was spending around 8 hours a day doing it. Every SINGLE day. (continue…)

Customer Service – The #1 Secret Weapon of A Successful Small Business

Posted in Customer Service October 13, 2006 ( Read | Bookmark )

I never cease to be amazed at the way many businesses are managed these days.  Actually, mismanaged is a much more appropriate word.  As an example, let me tell you about a recent experience I had while shopping at a large grocery store one Saturday morning. 

This particular store is open 24 hours a day, and Saturday mornings are one of their busier times.  That being the case, you would think that the shelves would be well stocked on Saturday morning, right?  After all, they should try to ensure that all those anxious weekend customers are able to find every single item they want to purchase, right? (continue…)

Silly Service has its Serious Side: Test Your Customer Service Knowledge

Posted in Customer Service August 21, 2006 ( Read | Bookmark )

Who says service is serious? Customer service can be silly too. Take this fun quiz to test your customer service knowledge. You may be a service ace if you both pick the correct answer to each of these ten questions, and understand why these answers are correct.
1. A complaining customer is:
A. Always right
B. Almost right
C. Often lying
D. Always the customer (continue…)

Reducing Customer Resistance to Your Product or Service

Posted in Customer Service August 16, 2006 ( Read | Bookmark )

Resistance has to do with putting up blocks that prevent us from doing, being, or accomplishing what we want for our business.  When we resist things, sometimes we miss out on opportunities - opportunities to work with new people, attract new customers, or even pursue a new product or service idea which could catapult us to new levels of success.  What are you resisting in your business when it comes to marketing your products and services? (continue…)

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