The Work At Home Guide

Niche Marketplace Demands Exhibitor Efficiency

Posted in Marketing October 30, 2006 ( Read | Bookmark )

Right now, the business world is a-buzz about Chris Anderson’s latest book, The Long Tail. Even if you haven’t read it, chances are you’ve heard of it: the best-selling business book that predicts the future of business lies in selling less of more. Niche marketing, Anderson posits, isn’t just tomorrow’s trend — it’s today’s reality.
The idea has caught on, and in a big way. Many companies are entering niche marketplaces — tailoring some or all of their product line to meet the needs and desires of a specific target audience. Doing so will allow companies to (continue…)

How To Reach More Customers Online

Posted in Marketing October 25, 2006 ( Read | Bookmark )

Many coaches, consultants, virtual assistants, solopreneurs and online business owners only offer two different items to their clients. One is a free subscription to their newsletter where they share tips, articles and business news with their subscribers. The other item is one-on-one coaching or consulting service offered at the regular hourly rates.

If you only offer a free newsletter and a one-on-one service to your clients, you are losing customers. Some people simply can’t afford your one-on-one services at this time, while others may want to get exposed to your expertise at a cheaper rate, before trying your more expensive services. (continue…)

Trade Show Strategies from a Veteran Booth Jockey

Posted in Marketing October 19, 2006 ( Read | Bookmark )

Trade shows offer a great opportunity to showcase your company’s product or services. A brochure can explain your selling points, but a trade show can demonstrate them in action. These events also let customers and potential customers see a side of you they can’t see from a website — your enthusiasm!

Here are five key strategies to help you get the most out of your trade show events. (continue…)

The Skinny On How You Should Go About With Offline Promotions

Posted in Marketing October 17, 2006 ( Read | Bookmark )

If you have a home based business that works through the Internet then you have probably wondered how to go about with offline promotion. If you have not done so it is because you are under the impression that a business runs over the Internet does not need to be promoted offline. This is a big misconception among most internet-based home business owners. (continue…)

The Sure Shot Ways To Promote Your Business

Posted in Marketing October 17, 2006 ( Read | Bookmark )

If you run an internet-based business (from home or from a proper office), you will have already experience the deluge of advice related to website promotion and internet marketing. To be sure, Internet marketing is more or less nothing more than website promotion because everything begins and ends with people visiting your website. The sure shot ways to promote your business (continue…)

Shall We Dump The “Fake It Till You Make It” Recruiting Routine?

Posted in Marketing October 17, 2006 ( Read | Bookmark )

How often have we heard it spouted from the front of the room?

“Fake it till you make it.”

Over the last 15 years, I’ve known countless guys who, upon hearing this mantra, have begged, borrowed and stolen money to buy their Armani suits, shoes and belts (whose expensive buckles they are often seen fondling in front of the room).

Some have bought cars totally outside their budgets so they could be seen arriving in style. And of course, they imply clearly that these wonderful toys were the fruits of the business they were promoting. (continue…)

Offline Techniques That Work

Posted in Marketing October 16, 2006 ( Read | Bookmark )

The key is to look around and see what type of marketing works the best in YOUR city…your town…your area.  See which events have the biggest crowds and then see how they marketed it.  Apply that marketing technique to your business or product.  Add a little twist of your own and you got it!  It’s that simple!

I’ll just be jotting down a list of techniques and any pertinent comments that may affect your success with a particular technique.  Make sure you look at using as many of these techniques as possible to market your business. (continue…)

Customer Stickiness: A marketing conspiracy or a sensible marketing strategy?

Posted in Marketing October 16, 2006 ( Read | Bookmark )

Customer stickiness is rather unfortunate definition of what appears to be a rather sensible strategy. Derived from a now old web retention technique, customer stickiness conjures a marketing conspiracy every time the work appears. Fortunately, this is not always true and marketers are hard at work to ensure that costumers stay with them as they believe they have something worthwhile to offer. (continue…)

How To Promote Resell Rights Products

Posted in Marketing October 15, 2006 ( Read | Bookmark )

If you want to promote any business, whether it be new or preexisting, the best profits will be achieved through smart and cost efficient marketing. The same is true when it comes to promoting resell rights products. In addition to print and otherwise paid advertising, there are a number of ways to promote your product(s) at no cost.

When looking to promote resell rights products, take the time to think about what is especially unique about your creation. What makes it stand out above all of the rest? With this information in mind, create a (continue…)

How To Develop A Powerful USP for Your Direct Marketing Business

Posted in Marketing October 15, 2006 ( Read | Bookmark )

Why You Need a USP

One of the first steps in creating a marketing plan is developing a USP, or Unique Selling Proposition (sometimes called a Unique Selling Point or a positioning statement). A USP is an ultimate statement of benefit, or the single most compelling reason why a customer should buy from you over your competition. In a short, meaningful, specific sentence, a USP describes your primary distinguishing feature to your target market and lets them know what’s in it for them if they do business with you. (continue…)

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