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Quick Start Guide

If you’re new to marketing and not sure where to start, here’s a list of ways to start generating traffic and sales almost immediately.  You can follow the links on the right navigational column for step by step details or the links on the left for more even detailed, step-by-step plans utilizing your preferred methods.

Add a signature to your Email
Sign up and post at forums
Create a Squidoo Lense
Utilize social networking sites (myspace)
Join yahoo, google & msn groups
Start a blog, blogger or wordpress
Post comments on blogs, leave a link
Sign others guestbooks,leave a link
Write & submit articles
Post to online classifieds, (craigs list)
Start podcasting
Contribute to Yahoo Answers
Provide Amazon reviews
Submit a press release
Provide product testimonials
Submit your site to the search engines
Utilize pay per click (ppc) advertising
Creat ebooks with your links and give away
Submit your site to website directories
Exchange links with other sites
Purchase advertising on high traffic sites
Start a topsite
Buy a domain and set up hosting (hostgator)
Create and post YouTube videos
Place an ad on Ebay Classifieds
Sell $1 ebooks on Ebay with links
Set up Joint Ventures with other marketers
Advertise in others Newsletters & Ezines
Start an autoresponder email campaign
Attend a local seminar
Place an ad in offline classifieds
Place a magnetic sign on your car
Research new traffic sources through google

These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages.
  • Digg
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  • feedmelinks

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