My Power Mall, Will I Really Make 10 Bazzillion Dollars A Month?
Ok, so the word is out, the internet is starting to buzz about this relatively new business opportunity known as My Power Mall. What you want to know, and rightly so, is “Is My Power Mall a big empy bowl reflecting broken promises or will there be soup”. Here’s my completely honest take on My Power Mall.
Let me start out by saying there are two ways to make money online.
There’s the really fast way like creating and selling your own ebooks where the money goes directly into your Paypal account. There’s affiliate product promotions like selling others people ebooks, there’s finding your own physical products to sell and opening your own online stores like one of mine here at my Herbal Remedies store. (I have dozens of these physical online stores, btw.)
Then, there’s the slow way and My Power Mall is definitely the slow way, the very slow way.
So, is that a bad thing? My answer is NO and let me tell you why.
The fast money making methods generally have short shelf lives meaning that while you are actively sitting in front of your keyboard, pecking at the keys and doing everything you can think of to market your product, once you stop, the sales will also stop. If you have good search engine placement and an effective paid advertising campaign you may be able to sustain your sales for a longer time but it will slow down and eventually end. I’ve been caught in that vicious circle for over 10 years now.
Having been online earning a full time income for over 10 years now, I’ve had the opportunity to see multiple “mlm”, “network marketing”, “downline building” programs come and go. Some are actually still around but only the people at the top are making good money from it.
The reason I believe the failure rate is so high with these other MLM plans is because every single MLM plan is about you signing up, paying a monthly fee with that monthly fee trickling up your line as “commission”.
What’s wrong with that business model is that most people who sign up do not know how to market the opportunity and will drop from the program, usually pretty quickly.
Now if you were one of the lucky ones who actually had experience with online marketing and after promoting your MLM opportunity, let’s say you got 10 people in your downline. You will earn your commissions for those 10 people but what happens now is that those 10 people never get anyone in their downline and don’t want to keep paying their monthly fee, so they drop, you go out and get 10 more and this keeps happening, you never really build a productive downline.
The difference with My Power Mall is that the opportunity is FREE to join. There are no monthly membership fees. That in itself is HUGE. This means that your downline will stay in your downline, they can learn and grow at their own pace without having to justify a high monthly membership fee to themselves.
The second part of this equation is commission. If it’s FREE to join, then where does the money come from??
This is what really got me excited about this. It’s absolutely brilliant.
By harnessing the power of online shopping, residual income can be created for all of us. Billions of dollars are spent online each year. The usual money flow of online purchases is from consumer to product vendor. That is, you visit the vendors website, you make your purchases, you receive your product in the mail and the vendor made their profit in markup. Everyone’s happy!
Now here’s something you may or may not know depending on your level of online marketing experience, Most online vendors also have affiliate programs. You saw that I mentioned affiliate marketing early in this post. The example I cited was selling other peoples ebooks but it also applies to physical products. Let me explain.
If you go to most any large corporation website like Amazon, Ebay, Wal-Mart etc.. you can usually find a link towards the very bottom of the page titled “affiliates” or “affiliate program”. These large corporations will offer you a percentage of any sales you refer to them. That’s pretty standard and many of us have been earning commissions referring sales to them for years.
Now, here comes the “brilliant” part of My Power Mall.
My Power Mall has developed a way for you and I to get paid these affiliate commissions on a long term, residual basis just by placing ourselves in the money flow for these online purchases.
What Ginny Dye, the My Power Mall founder, has done is used advanced technology coupled with a genious commission structure that will allow all of us to shop at these stores, well over 10,000 of them, just as we normally would except that now that sales commission paid by the vendor would be shared with 9 tiers of your My Power Mall upline.
That’s it!! That’s what got me so excited and why I joined and I am the most skeptical of anyone when it comes to multi level commission programs.
When joining My Power Mall, you receive your very own online store where you can browse all of the participating vendors and shop as you normally would, you can see mine here for an example, My Power Mall Store. We all pay the exact same price at the vendors websites as we normally would except that we are now taking advantage of the vendors affiliate program and earning commissions on our sales.
This is “Harnassing The Power of Online Shopping”.
Now, let me tell you why it’s still a slow way to make money. The commission which is really the “affiliate referral commission” is spread out over 9 tiers with the top tier, the one you’re on earning the smallest piece, as your downline grows, you earn more and more on the levels below you plus you get the power of the multiplicity working in your favor as well. The My Power Mall Video can explain it much better than I can if you want to take a moment to watch it.
One Hurdle Still Remains.
And that is, you still have to build your downline!!
With the typical multi level marketing program, this is what is normally responsible for the high drop out rate. People are spending money in monthly fees and not building their downlines so they quit before they are forced to file bankruptcy.
With My Power Mall, there is no need to drop since it is free. People can build their downlines at their own speed. But… you still want to build your downline as quick as you can and you want the people in your downline to do the same so here is where we need to step up because people will still get discouraged and stop actively promoting if they don’t see results.
This brings us to the next section… MARKETING!! How are we going to build our downlines?? How are we going to tell those in our downline what they can do to build theirs?? Herein lies the KEY to success. You MUST help those under you to grow whether you put together a fancy training program and deliver it by autoresponder, or build your own training website or just send them to this one. It’s up to you, but you MUST do something.
My Power Mall has their own training program in the form of an ebook which was contributed to by the top My Power Mall team members sharing methods they use to build their team. That’s a good place to start but to get you started in the right direction.
Now that we know we can harness the power of online spending, let’s look at how to harness the power of Web 2.0 to quickly build our downlines. If you are new to internet marketing, you may be asking yourself, “what is web 2.0″. To help explain web 2.0 and it’s power, I’m adding in a video here you can watch. It’s a short video and I think an excellent visualization of web 2.0.

Now that you know what web 2.0 is, let’s look at how to use it to our advantage. If you’ll look towards the top right hand side of this page, you will see a section named “WAH TOOLBOX”, (wah is the acronym for “work at home”, btw). Here you will a plethora of web 2.0 links. I suggest you go through and utilize each and every one of them.
The web 2.0 section includes:
Bookmark & Tagging
Classified Ad Sites
Forum Marketing List
Online Blog Platforms
Podcast Directories
Social Networks
Wiki Site List
If you fully utilize these links, there is practically NO WAY you can fail. The problem for some is that it can be extremely boring. Using the free auto form filler tool, RoboRorm can help ease the burden by doing most of the tedius work for you. You can download it for free from here, Roboform Marketing.
Two of the biggest, traffic driving methods which can be used to build your downline is YouTube and Craigs List. You can certainly be very successful using the web 2.0 tools above but if you are in the position, you can pick up a couple of ebooks that outline exactly how to grab massive amounts of traffic from YouTube and Craigs List.
Tube Traffic & Craigslist Marketer Pro
As I said, the two ebooks are completely optional and not required but can help speed the downline building up significantly should you choose to get them.
To wrap this awfully long post up, let me say that I do not feel like you or I will ever earn a bazillion dollars a month from My Power Mall. The video presentation is awesome and a best cast scenario, a little unrealistic in my opinion but I DO feel like over the course of several years we can build up a substantial monthly income is the range of $3000 – $5000 per month with that amount growing over the years hopefully providing a very nice, comfortable retirement which will provide me with income in a completely hands free way which I love.
I’ve also, and I suggest you do the same, opened accounts under my kids names which I believe will be bringing in a nice income by the time they enter college. I do help them build their downlines and they tell their friends about their business and are actually doing a pretty good job of building their own team through word of mouth.
So, if you’ve been sitting on the fence about this, I do recommend you sign up now and get starting working on building a better future.
Let’s go!!
P.S. Remember, when you join my team, you are free to use the contact form here to ask me any questions you may have or solicit whatever information/advise you need to become successful. TOGETHER we will succeed!
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Can you tell me how well you are doing in My Power Mall? I just joined. It seems there are some people out there making a living trying to destroy this company. I am personally very excited about joining this company, but tell me is it worth the time and effort?
Hi Lauren. I quit promoting them when they started their “One Thing” program forcing monthly buys to remain active. I joined before that and was grandfathered in but I won’t waste any of my money promoting them just for them to take away my downline because someone doesn’t make a monthly purchase. They place those people in their own downline and keep 100% of the commissions on their periodic purchases.
There are many people, like me, who don’t buy their toothpaste and other personal items online but do make big purchases from time to time, especially around Christmas. I didn’t think it was fair to take those people away from us, especially after spending a significant amount of money on adwords and other paid media sources at the time.
It got worse when they started making the debit cards a mandatory way to receive your payments along with the associated fees.
I currently have about 118 people in my downline and I’ve received one check for $27 back in Aug. ‘08.
I think it started as a good thing, free to join, a real free business opportunity but then they just got greedy and ran it into the ground with the forced purchases and commandeering of your downline.
There are better ways to make money online.