Will 12 Month Millionaire Really Help Someone Build an Online Business?

One of the hottest products on the internet marketing arena right now is the 12 Month Millionaire put out by a 28 year old convicted felon who claims that he earns more money per year than the CEOs of FedEx… eBay… Amazon.com… Time Warner… Apple Computer… McDonalds… Microsoft… Nike… Yahoo… Ford Motor Company… General Motors… and Goodyear COMBINED!  That’s a huge claim and worth looking into.

The first thing I did is search the web for honest reviews of the 12 Month Millionaire.  I know that most people are looking to make a commission from referring sales to this product so I always take several factors into consideration when making a determination of whether I believe their review to be accurate and unbiased.

The 12 Month Millionaire seems to be a bit different from standard “Make Money” products on the market right now. Rather than giving you an ebook filled with regurgitated information which is generally available for free elsewhere if you are willing to take the time to research, the 12 Month Millionaire starts with about 6 hours of actual coaching and interview audio by Vincent James who is well known in the Internet Marketing Circles and considered to be a guru.  Vincent James is best known for his long term, residual income strategies.

That’s a pretty good place to start.  Also adding to the credibility of the 12 Month Millionare is the name Russel Brunson, another well known internet marketer who has achieved incredible success online himself.

Ok, let’s take a second and here from somebody I believe always gives honest and accurate product reviews. I’ve seen a few of his before where he advised against purchasing due to the lack of substance even though the product was being pushed hard by other affiliate because of high commissions.

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Let’s not stop there, let’s here from Russel Brunson himself and see for ourselves what he has to say and is offering with this product.

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A little more from Russel Brunson…

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The information I’ve been able to uncover regarding The 12 Month Millionaire seems to support the claims and I’m tempted to go ahead and purchase this product for myself.

The fact that you have two of internet marketings heaviest hitters working together on this project backed by Clickbanks, unconditional, 60 day money back guarantee makes this one a no brainer for me.  If you purchase 12 Month Millionaire for your own use, don’t forget to save the receipt for tax purposes and be sure to leave any comments you have about the 12 Month Millionaire product below for others.


Have a great day!

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One Response to “Will 12 Month Millionaire Really Help Someone Build an Online Business?”

  1. Jeff Makepeace on April 11th, 2008 at 7:48 am

    I personally believe that yes it is possible because not only this one. There are many guys around the world who are earning money more and more but cannot disclose it due to tax reasons.

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