How to Make Money in the Multi-Billion Dollar Herbal Remedies Niche

It’s a fact, billions and billions of dollars are spent each and every year on herbal remedies. A huge opportunity exists for internet entrepreneurs to cash in on this very lucrative market. Here’s how to get started!

Step 1: Sign Up for the Native Remedies Affiliate Program

Native Remedies is a leading online seller of herbal and homeopathic remedies paying a generous 25% commission on all referred sales. Unlike other affiliate programs with 30,60 or 90 day tracking, you receive commissions on referred sales for a LIFETIME with full credit for phone sales as well.

Step 2: Get a Website Up and Running

A. Register a new domain name at GoDaddy (video demonstration). Try to make it short, memorable and related to the natural remedies, homeopathic remedies, herbal remedies niche.

B. Set Up A Web Hosting Account at HostGator (video demonstration). You can get one for as little as $4.95 though I would recommend the $7.95 Baby Croc account because you can host unlimited domains.

C. Install wordpress (video demonstration). Installation is simple through your HostGator admin panel as you’ll see in the video. Wordpress is a powerful and easy to manage blogging utility that allows you to create a full fledged website with no html knowledge.

D. Add herbal remedies products to your new wordpress blog. In the wordpress admin area you have a choice of publishing pages or posts. You will use the posts for writing articles and pages for adding the herbal remedies products.

For each herbal remedies product page, just go to the native remedies website and write a short description based on each products page. Log in to your native remedies affiliate area and get your referral link and place that right under your description. You’re now all set!

Example: The Herbal Remedies Store

Step 3: Promote Herbal Remedies Products

A. Write and submit articles to the Article Directories. This is one of the easiest and fastest ways to start getting people to your website. Native Remedies sends a monthly newsletter (be sure and sign up to receive it) which is an excellent source for article ideas usually relating to current and/or seasonal health issues which match perfectly with the products you are promoting. Another source of content is your local thrift store where books on herbal remedies and health related issues are abundant. Never copy directly but these make an excellent starting point for creating your own articles. See my post My Secret Source for Unlimited Article Content. (Don’t forget to add these articles to your own website using the add new post feature!)

B. Submit your new herbal remedies product pages & posts to the social network sites like Digg, Stumbleupon and Yahoo! Buzz and send a tweet via twitter.

C. Sign up for relevant online community forums and link to your website in your signature. (Highly Effective Forum Marketing)

D. Are you the creative type? Use the free screen recording software CamStudio and create some video clips for YouTube! (TubeTraffic Secrets Revealed)

E. Want guaranteed, herbal remedies niche targeted traffic with the least amount of effort? Utilize Googles Adwords and pay per click advertising to bid on keywords related specifically to each product. If you choose this method, I strongly suggest you pick up a copy of Perry Marshalls Definitive Guide to Google Adwords, it’s worth its weight in gold!

Take care and if you have any questions, just let me know here and I’ll be happy to help you out in any way I can.


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