How to Stop Auto Bloggers From Stealing Your Profits

You may have heard about Auto Blogging. Using wordpress plugins like FeedWordParess, other bloggers are now setting up their websites using posts from other blogs. Some of these may even strip out the links in your posts basically stealing your profits. Here’s how to stop them or at least get some of your profits back (for complete post visit:

If you run a decent blog and post great content, there is the likelyhood that eventually, if they haven’t already, other bloggers will start using your rss feeds to publish your content on their websites. This is a popular method of blogging and piggybacks on your hard work.

First, you may want to go into your wordpress admin settings>reading and make sure it’s set to show a summary and not your entire text in your rss feeds. This in itself may discourage many from using your content feed.

Something you should be aware of before making the decision to show summaries only. Some  autobloggers that pull in your content may not strip the links and you would be losing those links back to your site or directly to your salespages.

Doing a quick google search for your post titles may give you a better idea of whether your content is being stripped or if your content is being used at all.

Whether you decide to post summaries or full text, a quick way to capitalize on this is to add a text url in the first paragraph of your post like I did above. FeedWordPress and other autoblogging tools often give the user the option of linking the post title to the original post on your website or not.

By adding a quick url in the first paragraph which can be done regardless of whether you selected summaries or full text, you may get visitor that want to read the full article. If you are going to do this, make sure to not include the http: or the www. as the tool may remove it.

Personally, I don’t really worry about it but since I’ve seen so many people become upset about finding their posts on other websites without any links back, I thought I would throw this out there if you want to give it a shot.

I’d love to hear back from you if you do use this method and to know if it helped or not.

Take care,

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2 Responses to “How to Stop Auto Bloggers From Stealing Your Profits”

  1. That is a great idea to put your url in there without the http. I think I might try that.

    Yes, I’m bad. I always use full text on the main page just because I’m lazy. Sad, isn’t it?

    These people need to realize that google looks down upon these kinds of things which is too bad because once your site is duplicated then no one knows who owns the original posting and then it is considered copied. GRRR So not only are these data skanks destroying their own rating, they’re ruining your rating as well.

  2. Sinela Gherman on April 11th, 2009 at 5:20 am

    Thank you Gail. I’ve already switched to summery instead of full text for the RSS feeds. Regards

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