How to Use Google Adsense to Build Passive Revenue Streams

Whether you already have an existing website or are looking to build one, Google Adsense can be a great way to supplement your income. Adding Google Adsense advertising code to your web pages allows you to focus on building great content and a following of visitors while allowing Google to worry about placing the right ads on your pages.

If you are unfamiliar with Google Adwords, it is a paid advertising platform operated by Google that allows advertisers to bid on keywords. Businesses create little ads that they would like displayed across networks of websites. Webmasters and other website owners then join the Google Adsense affiliate network and place some code provided by Google on their pages. Googles bots visit your pages, determine the content and show relevent ads which is great for your visitors, it’s great for the bidding businesses and it’s great for you because Google splits the profit with you.

It’s a great way to make money without having to actually having to try and pre-sell a product or bother with copywriting skills, etc.. You just build websites and cash checks.

This multi-post series will delve into Google Adsene and how it can be used to make even more money.

Stay tuned for the next post which answers the question, “what is Google Adsense and how do the ads get on my page”.

Download “Google Adsense Money Machine” now to get started using Google Adsense to generate multiple streams of income today!

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