The Benefits of Using Google Adsense on Your Website
There are many great reasons you should be using Google Adsense on your website besides the obvious one of getting paid by one largest companies around. For one, Google Adsense is easy to use and easy to manage. A technical background is not necessary to place the small snippet of code into your pages and if you are using a CMS (content management system) like wordpress, you generally only have to add this code once and it will show on every page.
Secondly, you have the option of showing their text only ads or allowing banners to be displayed. If you already have banners on your site then you may just want to ad the text only ads. The ads come in a variety of sizes like a standard banner size, a large rectangle or a tall vertical ad perfect for your side menu. Whichever you choose, you can rest assured that your visitors will be seeing ads they are interested in and are more likely to click, thereby earning you a commission.
Another great reason is that the code along with the text only ads is extremely light and won’t slow your pages down for your visitors. There’s nothing worse in this day and age of lightning fast computers and faster internet connections than waiting for pages to load. We are a society of NOW and your visitors are no different.
Something worth mentioning here is that Google Adsense allows you to place code snippets within your website itself to tell it where your content is that you want to match. This helps narrow down the results shown even more but we’ll get to that in another post.
Google currently offers 5 different options when choosing which advertising you would like to use.
Adsense for Content – Display ads that are targeted to your site’s content or audience.
AdSense for Search – Offer your users site search or web search while earning revenue from ads relevant to their search terms.
AdSense for Feeds – Place relevant ads in feeds Google manages for you.
AdSense for Domains – Display ads on your parked domains.
AdSense for Mobile Content – Unlock the revenue potential of your mobile site with targeted Google ads.
There’s actually a sixth at the moment, Video Units, however that is slated to retire at the end of this month so we’ll skip it.
As you see, the potential to provide Adsense content to your visitors exists for a number of platforms and gives you ample opportunity to earn a profit. I’ll get more detailed regarding each of these ad formats in a dedicated post down the road.
Google Adsense also gives you the ability to block out websites whose ads you don’t want to display to your visitors. Say for example you were running a blog or website about music, bands and instruments. Let’s say you were based in Austin, Texas, (I love Austin!) and you sold musical instruments locally. You may want to block your local competitors ads from displaying on your website while allowing ads from non-competing areas to show. It’s all up to you!
Using Googles simple ad code builder, you are able to select colors to match your site and help the ads blend in with your content which can really help pull additional clicks, ie: MONEY!!
Also provided to you is an extensive array of tracking and analytical tools so you can see which of your ads are pulling the most clicks. This is a great way to make small changes to ad size, colors, page placement, etc.. to see what helps. Believe it or not, sometimes a simple color change on the text link can affect clicks by as much as 2-300%. I’ll cover the tracking “channels” in a later post. It’s simple to set up and monitor and an awesome tool!
If you’ve missed the other posts in this series, you can use the search box on this page and enter the keyword “Adsense”, without the quotations and stay tuned for the next post in this series where we will discuss how much money you might expect to earn and the steps to get started, or… jump ahead of class now and…
Download “Google Adsense Money Machine” now to get started using Google Adsense to generate multiple streams of income today!