What is Google Adsense and How Do I Get the Ads on My Website?

As mentioned in the last post regarding using Google Adsense to build passive income streams, Google sells advertising to businesses that bid on keywords relevent to their business and then turns around and pays commissions through the Google Adsense program to webmasters for allowing these ads to be displayed on their websites. In this post, we’ll look a little deeper into Google Adsense, how it works and how you get the ads on your websites.

In a normal internet marketing enviroment, you might find a product you are interested in, join the affiliate program if one exists for it and build a website to promote this product through an affiliate link hoping to earn a commission for each sale referred to the product owner.

This method of marketing, most often referred to as affiliate marketing requires exceptional copywriting skills simple because you must provide enough information and motivation to encourage the visitor to click through your link and buy the product. This is known as pre-selling. Pre-selling allows you to send a warm lead to the actual sales page rather than a blind click or cold visitor.

Using the Google Adsense program as a means to monetize our websites removes that obstacle and allows us to focus our attention on producing content. The businesses that bid on keywords will focus on writing click pulling ads and Google will focus on showing relevent ads on your webpages. This frees you up to create more content and/or websites.

Let’s get a little more specific.

Say, you had an interest in hockey. You could build a website or create a blog using free software like Wordpress. You could give reviews of the games, talk about the highlights and low points of each game. You could talk about the players, the upcoming games… you could even have a community forum on your website where others could discuss Hockey. You see how easy this would be to build content?

Now, If you’re a hockey fan, I’m sure you know that there are plenty of companies that sell hockey related products. These companies would like to show their ads to your visitors.

At this point, you will have signed up for the Google Adsense program and placed the supplied code into your webpage. Google has crawled your pages, (and continues to do so) so that it knows which ads to show on any page.

Say you had made a post about hockey sticks, google would show ads for hockey sticks on your page. If you were to discuss a particular brand of hockey stick, if there are any advertisers bidding on that keyword, those ads would show on your website. If a vistor just clicks that ad, they don’t even have to buy, you split the profit Google receives and these fees can go pretty high depending on the value of the product being sold and the amount of competition bidding up that keyword.

You can make even more money by knowing how to find keywords that pay top dollar and build sites around those as well as knowing where to place the ads in your pages that are proven to draw more clicks which we will go into in a future post.

Download “Google Adsense Money Machine” now to get started using Google Adsense to generate multiple streams of income today!

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One Response to “What is Google Adsense and How Do I Get the Ads on My Website?”

  1. Sinela Gherman on April 11th, 2009 at 5:05 am

    Thank you for the great informative post about Adsense. Yes, with the right keywords, right Adsense ads placement and with as many content-based pages as possible you can maximize your Adsense earnings.

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