8 of the Best Wordpress Plugins For Making Money
The Wordpress platform is the most widely used platform on the internet, and quite rightly so. if you are looking at starting your own online business or are thinking of changing your website to a blog platform, then Wordpress is the number one platform.
Google recognizes the value that Wordpress provides by giving new blogs with good content a Google listing almost straight away. You can be up and listed in a few hours with a Wordpress blog.
The standard Wordpress blog is nothing special, with a very basic platform for you to look at. and adjust. But there are so many good free ones out there that you can get carried away just looking at them.
Another post will cover the free Wordpress blogs that look good and where to find them.
8 of the best Wordpress plugins is quite a difficult one with so many to choose from. But if you listen to the experts and choose wisely you can build a good blog or blogs that will look good and be easy to adjust for years to come.
These plugins are designed to help maximize your blog to improve traffic, help easy maintenance, provide a good looking blog with quality content, and get some cash rolling into your bank account.
before you install all of these though i would advise you to first do your homework. make sure you have got a good looking blog. Copyblogger is one such blog. Then make sure you understand how to adjust your blog. I know this sounds like work, and it is. If you want to monetize your blog you need to be able to keep it looking good.
Once you have mastered this you will then have no trouble building up a decent following and making a living online. Do not go down the line of trying to build hundreds of blogs and making cash from them. This is old hat and rarely works.
The only people making money these days are those super affiliates selling the products. That is another story on my website.
8 of the best Wordpress blogs
No 1 – All In One SEO Pack
No 2 – Socialize
No 3 – What would Seth Godin Do
No 4 – Caffeinated Content
No 5 – Auction eBay Ads
No 6 – Clickbank RSS Generator
No 7 – Wordpress Affiliate Pro
No 8 – Auto Social Poster
These are the tip of the iceberg and there are probably 10 more that would make your life easy.
Take a look at our website to see the top 21 Wordpress blog plugins that we currently use.
This Closely Guarded Plugin Submits Posts
to 34 Top Bookmarking Sites AUTOMAGICALLY
AutoSocialPoster in ACTION!
There are more facts that you need to know if you want to make money online at our website. This is just the beginning. Come and check them out.
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This is a very useful post on options you have to make maney with wordpress. You are absolutely right, there are probably a dozen more you could have listed.